The Host

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I woke up in a dark, cold room. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a cave. My hands were tied behind my back and my legs were tied together. My shoulder had a large wound in it that looked like someone had stuck an oversized bandaid on it instead of actaully patching it up.

H-How did I get here...?

My left leg erupted in pain. There was a huge gash in my leg that ran from my mid thigh to my mid calf. There was several bandaids covering it as if whoever patched it up didn't want to give me any special treatment. The bandaids, needless to say, we're dark with blood.

I saw light at the far end of the cave. But a huge rock covered the entrance, so the light came in from around the edge of the boulder. It reminded me of my trip to the sea of monsters and how Polyphemus had a huge boulder over his cave entrance to keep halfbloods. The image of grover in a wedding dress made me smile slightly, before quickly disappearing again.

I still had no idea where I was or why I was here.

Chaos? Any ideas? I sent my thoughts to him, hoping it actaully worked. Telepathically communicating with him was a difficult task that was near impossible to do if he didn't contact you first. It was like trying to call someone and you didn't know their phone number. You could give it a guess but it was doubtful you would make the call go through. They had to call you first.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited even more.

And nothing happened.

I decided to try and contact someone else. It was best to contact someone you had a strong bond with.

So my first thought was of course Scarlett.

I pictured her bright red hair, her sparkling green emerald eyes, her strong tan arms, her red Dragon wings. I imagined our minds linking.

Scarlett, are you there? Scarlett it's Kiri. I need your help. Scarlett.

Nothing. I had never been able to contact her before either.

I tried again, this time picturing Marina, my non birth sister. Her brown hair cut in a pixie cut, her sea green eyes, and the gills on her neck that were jsut enough to make her look non-human.

Marina, it's your commander. I need your help.

To no surprise that didn't work either.

Then I decided to try something I hadn't done in years. Something that was probably stupid but what choice do I have.

Grover? Can you hear me? It's Percy, I need your help.

I waited a second.

Percy!? Is that really you!? Where have you been? You've been MIA for like, I don't know, what year is It?

Grover, this is important. I am trapped in a cave, I think my leg is broken and I have a pretty bad wound in my shoulder. Not to mention I am also tied up.

Alright, where are you?

I don't know, a cave. I remember waking in the camp woods....not much after that.

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