Trials Of Order

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"We Shall See."

Her words echoed in my mind as the two of them disappeared.

The cabin came into focus again.

"Percy? Are you ok?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah...I'm fine." I said. My head hurt like crazy but I didn't want to worry her.

"What happened. You went pale for like three minutes." Marina said.

"I...I...I saw a white light. And I heard Someone speaking to me. They told me....That I could use the power to defeat End." I said. It was hard to remember exactly what had happened. I mean, all I really remembered was the bright light.

"Well your going to need that. Because End is here!" Scarlett said, pointing out a window I swear wasn't there a second ago. End himself was at the edge of camp attacking. Did I mention he was at least twenty feet tall? Well if I didn't then yeah. Twenty freaking feet.

We ran out of the cabin towards where End was.

He was shooting lightning everywhere, destroying cabins, killing halfbloods. It didn't seem real. I used the power of Orders Ring and summoned a sword. One appeared in my hand made of ice. But it was sharper, like celestial ice or something. Ordarian Ice.

I ran up to End.

"End, stand down! Or by the power of Order and Chaos I will destroy you!" I shouted. End looked down at me and smiled an evil smile.

"Aw, if it isn't the commander. I've been waiting for you." End said.

"Have you? It's seemed to me like you were killing the innocent." I said.

End laughed.

"You do have a fine sense of humor my boy. If I wasn't trying to kill you I would keep you as a pet. Make you tell me more of your jokes while I decapitate small children." End said. He seemed even more evil then I had seen him. I mean, End was always the more messed up of the four primordial but he always had a reason for doing horrible things.

"That is appalling." Scarlett said, standing next to me.

"Why if it isn't the child of all evil herself? How's dad? Although I guess the commander saw him more recently than you did." End said. I looked at Scarlett confused. Her face was full of panic and anger.

"End, I will destroy you!" She said. She was ready to charge him, but I held her back.

"End? Why are you here? What is your goal?" I asked. He laughed.

"Its simple. I want all the power. And I need to destroy every god, demigod, and collect the power of the primordial to get it." He said.

"But Why? Primordial want to fade. We can help you find the right people to put your power into." I said.

"I don't care about fading. I just want more power!" He said. He glanced at Scarlett.

"You know, your father has helped me with this plan. All he wanted in return was for me to crush his ungreatful children. First I'll destroy you, then the other two." End said. Scarlett was ready to burst into flames, which she could sort of do because she was part Dragon.


I tried to stop her but I couldn't. She ran at him brandishing her blood red blade. He grinned evily and raised his own sword. I knew he was trying to lure her in. He was stronger than her. He was trying to hurt her. Trying to kill her.

"No!" I called. Scarlett was too caught up in her rage to here me. I tried to run to her but I couldn't move.

He knocked her sword out of hand. It slided across the ground away from both End and I. She tried to jump into the air to escape but he hit her out of the air like a fly. She cried in pain as she hit the ground. One of her wings bent in an unnatural position.

He stomped over to her, a look of satisfaction on his face.

"No!" I cried once more. I tried to run to her aid but something stopped me.

No Perceus. You must retrieve her sword. Order said in my mind.

What? Why? I asked.

Her sword has the final part of Chaos in it. It has more power than any other object or person in the entire universe.
She said.

But if I don't help her, she could die! I said.

Remember what I told you. In order to achieve peace, you have to be willing to sacrifice the ones you love. Order said, If you want to wield my power then you have to be willing to let her die for the greater good.

I looked between Scarlett and the Sword. The world or the girl I loved.

The old me wouldn't have hesitated to save her. But the new me knew I had to do the right thing.

Would I be a bad person if I let her to die? Could I sacrifice her in order to save the world?

But I knew the desicion I had to make.

I ran for the sword.

"Kiri!" Scarlett cried. I stopped and turned. End had her by the throat.

"Which will it be? The girl or the Sword?" He taunted.

"K-K-Kirii...." Scarlett stuttered. I met her eyes. She mouthed three words that shattered me even more....

'Get The Sword'

I looked at her one last time. Closed my eyes and sent her a message mentally.

I love you.

I saw tears run down her face. She gave a slight nod as if she already knew and she had been waiting for me to figure it out.

Then I turned back to the sword and ran to get it. As soon as I layed my hand in the hilt, Order spoke in my mind,

You have chosen well. You have proven yourself worthy if using my power.

Suddenly a blinding light filled my vision. When it subsided I was back in the chaos cabin. With Scarlett and Marina.

It....It was all fake...?

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