Renewed Strength

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He sat up quickly. Coughing and gasping for breath.

"Wha-What happened?" Apokirixye
I wanted to cry. He was alive. He was alive. Ophelia saved him. But we had a bigger problem.

"Nevermind that. Get us out of here." I said.

He looked around and realized where we were. End banged on the door.

"Where do you want us to go?" He asked.

"Anywhere. Just get us out." I said almost panicking. He grabbed my hand and just as end got it in the room we teleported away.

We collapsed on the floor of a large building. I was too weak and tired to check for monsters. We both fell unconscious.

When I opened my eyes and saw we were in big room. Real observent Annabeth. The walls were made of a black stone. There were several thrones at one end of the room. They all were around a table. To my left was a hallway  that had several rooms off of it.

Everything was covered in dust.

I looked for Apokirixye and as soon as we made eye contact I attacked him in a hug. Crying silently.

I clung to him weeping silently. He was shaking. I guess dying and coming back can do that to you.

"Where are we?" I asked quietly.

"Its the original Chaos castle. It was abandoned when we settled on chaos planet. It was the only place I could think of. We'll be safe here. But we need to rest for a day before we continue traveling." He said.

We separated and he showed me around the castle.

It as simple enough. Rooms for everyone, a training hall, a kitchen, the throne room, and a lounge. He showed me his room last.

When we walked in I noticed how dark it was. He had hardly any light. The only light came from his walls. They had designs of stars and galaxies that looked so real I felt like I was in space. The stars produced little light. Apokirixye snapped his fingers and they glew little brighter. Enough to see the room better. In one corner was a bookshelf piled with books. Ok that was the last thing I expected, Apokirixye didn't seem like a reader. I went over to it and pulled a book out.

The Real History Of The World
By A Son Of Chaos

I opened the book and noticed the detail on the writing.

"You have books? Did you read all of these." I asked. He didn't look at me.

"I wrote them actually." He said quietly. I saw all of them were signed by A Son Of Chaos. I dropped the book stunned. He actaully wrote all if these books. I quickly picked it up and put it on the shelf and stepped away from the books. Apokirixye was smart?

I looked at Apokirixye who was avoiding my eyes. He was acting so strangely.

Then I went back to looking at the room. Next to the shelf was a big  wooden desk. On it was an open book.  The page was half filled with writing. I read a couple lines and found I didn't understand the complicated words in it. It was too smart for me. And the handwriting was the same as the other books on the shelf. On the desk next to it was a small laptop. I opened it and saw it was just like Deadalas's laptop. But the designs on it were even more complex than the ones on Deadalas's laptop.

I opened one of the files and found a very complex blueprint of an even more upgraded version of the Argo II.

"How did you get these?" I asked. He still wouldn't look at me. He looked almost, ashamed of something.

"I made them." He said quietly. He...he actaully made these designs?

Apokirixye actually made all of these designs. He wrote those books. I never thought he would be a smart person. I imagined him as a sort of Percy.

Next to his bed was a dresser. It was a simple dresser. Nothing sat on top of it however.

Next he led me out to a balcony that showed a valley facing the coast of the island the castle was on. I guessed this castle was on some sort of island.

"I'm going to rest. In the morning I can take us back to camp. We have to hurry though, End will attack camp as soon as possible." I said before going to bed.

So I feel bad, it's been a week since I updated. And it was a cliff hanger I have a good reason though....I forgot. Ok that's not a good excuse but yeah. Update soon...hopefully

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