Take Off

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Percy's Pov

Once everyone was settled in we all met in the main control area. It was big enough for all of us to fit. There were several places for people sit and use controls. I was guessing it was similar to the ships on star trek. Although I never really watched it, everyone has seen something from star trek, like how can you go through life without seeing any star trek things. Like even the Patrick Stewart meme. Or all the times the characters were on family guy? Whatever if you don't know what star trek is...well, your reading this on a device and I'm sure you have internet access...as people said a lot in 2015, Google It!

Scarlett and I stood at the main controls. We both didn't move to take command. Like both of us were unsure of who was officially leading this trip. She was the second leader of Chaos Army, I was the second leader of Order's Hunters.

Everyone looked at me expectantly, including Scarlett who seemed to back down just a little bit.

"Well? Aren't you going to start the ship?" Sapphire asked.

I glanced at the commanders chair that sat in front of the controls. They all wanted me to lead them. Of course I always led them before. The Army and Technically the seven as well. Then I looked at Scarlett. She smiled slightly and nodded. I slowly sat in the chair. A feeling of power surged over me. I was in command.

"Alright everyone, we need the rest of you at your stations. Annabeth, Jace, you two will man the radars and computers over there." I said pointing to some computers on my left.

"Jason, Marina, Sparky, and Dawn. You guys will work the weapon system." I said.

"Aw come on, why do they get to do the weapons?" Leo asked.

"Because I trust them. Plus, you and Sapphire are doing repairs if needed."  I said. He and Sapphire nodded.

"Ivy, Jasmine, you two know your way around the universe pretty well, you guys can help with navigation." I said.

"That's girls not guys." Ivy said.

"Yeah, or girl and super awesome feline girl." Jasmine added. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Piper, Will you guys can do communication. I have a feeling that if we run into something we need to talk to someone or something you two are our best bet to communicate." I said. They nodded and went to their station. 

"Nico, Reyna, Frank, and Calypso you guys will await further instruction. If someone essential needs a break then you'll take their place. For now, just relax and explore the ship. Leo, Sapphire you guys don't need to be here unless we need repairs. I'll call you down if we need you." I said. They nodded and walked out of the room.

"What about me?" Scarlett asked.

"I thought it was obvious your my second in command." I said. She grinned.

"That means I can relax until you need me right?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Right now I need you to help Calypso. I was going to have Dawn do it but she's busy." I said.

"She's the one who doesn't know how to fight like at all, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, well I mean, she used to be able to use magic but not much anymore. I'm not sure. I'd bring Leo with you just in case you need help. Calypso and I....actually nevermind...just....I...
keep Leo with you." I said. She nodded and left.

"Okay. Let's see if I can work this ship." I said under my breath.

I put my hands on the controls. I felt energy surge through me. As soon as my hands made contact with the controls I knew what to do.

"Marina, make the announcement, we're taking off. Tell everyone to strap in." I said. She nodded and made an announcement over the ships speakers.

"Annabeth, Jace, how much power to the engines have?" I asked.

"Full power." Jace said.

"Prepare for take off in three..."



I quickly pressed all the controls necessary to take off. The ship came alive under my fingertips and responded to my touch. Camp underneath us got smaller and smaller until it was gone.


Take off was smooth. We managed to get into space safely. The milky way was far behind us.

"Alright. Ivy, Jasmine set course for Planet Chaos." I said. A few minutes later Jasmine said,

"Approximately 76 hours."

"Three days." Ivy translated.

"Jace, Leo, Marina, Dawn, Ivy, and Piper you guys can take a break. You can switch out with the others doing your job in a couple hours. Get some rest and eat. Every six hours you'll switch." I said. Leo was already not in the room but the other five left for break.

"The rest of you stay awake. If you need it I can see if someone can bring you coffee." I said.

"Warm milk for me please." Ivy said.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." I said. I looked around the room. 

"Jason, Sparky. We don't really need the weapons right now. Why don't you two get us some coffee and milk for Ivy." I asked. They both nodded.

"The dining hall is just past the bedrooms." I said. They left the room to get the drinks.


Two hours passed, everyone seemed pretty focused. The coffee helped those of us who didn't get sleep the night before. We were far from home now. We passed whole planets and stars. But none of the inhabitants bothered us.

"It's amazing how many planets there are." Annabeth said.

"Yeah. We passed my own home planet not long ago." Sparky said.

"Well. Two hours down, seventy four to go." I said optimistically.

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