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Why was he staring at her?

And how long had he been staring at her for?

Lamees blushed again as she recalled how her eyes had found his green ones. She covered her face with her hands even though there was no one there in the bathroom.

She could see him in her mind, though. Thick brown hair with sharp features to go with. She wondered if he had seen her blush. The reason she had looked up from her book in the first place, was because she'd been reading a romance novel and she had come across a steamy scene. Which is why she had glanced around as a reflex and had seen him.

The way he had been looking at her made her feel like he knew what she was up to and that thought alone made her cheeks burn up.

Well, so what if he had seen her blush?

Lamees squared her shoulders, taking a deep breath.

So what if he had seen her? She shouldn't care what he thought - she didn't care.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, she did secretly acknowledged the fact that he was a bit attractive. She just hoped that they didn't run into each other again because that would be so awkward.

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