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He had texted her to meet him before class behind the school gym. She kept glancing at the text message, her heart beating fast and her emotions all jumbled up.

She had been the one to make the call last night and the one who'd agreed to talk to him but now, she was second guessing her choices. She couldn't make the same mistake and get carried away again. She had to stay in control of the situation and stop it from getting worse. And going to Gunner right now and meeting him was going to make it worse.

Enough was enough.

She couldn't be weak. She couldn't go, she shouldn't. She won't.

She slipped her phone into her pocket and continued walking across the hallway, holding her school books to her chest. Maybe if she'd pressed the books hard enough, the ache in her chest would stop.

She blinked back the tears that threatened to spill, as she raised her chin up high and marched to her first class. Goodbye, Gunner.

Her mind was made up.

After entering the classroom, she walked straight to the back and sat down, pretending to be immersed in arranging her books while really, she was struggling not to break down in front of everyone.

This was the right thing to do.

She didn't know for how long she'd been fiddling with the pages of her chemistry book when the teacher entered and began the class.

Lamees didn't hear a single word she was saying but she did register the fact that everyone else was already jotting down what the teacher was saying. She felt numb, like she wasn't even present in the room at all. She felt completely separated from the environment.

This didn't feel right. Her heart hurt so much.

Her head was heavy and she stared down at her hands, finding her vision to be blurry. A tear dropped into her open palm. She heaved in a deep breath and her eyes closed. Everything slowed.

Then something cleared inside her head as she recalled a flash of green eyes and a familiar smile.

The next few moments were a blur. She was vaguely aware of standing up from her seat during class and rushing out of the room, leaving her teacher and her classmates stunned. She ran hard to the back of the school's gym, not stopping even to catch her breath.

When she reached her destination, there was no Gunner in sight waiting for her. She was too late.

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