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» I've been so obsessed with BookTube lately and I really want to create a booktube channel but I don't have a camera or even the time to make and edit videos. 😭 «


He didn't miss the way her face lit up when she saw her notebook in his hands. All it took was that one look for him to realize just how important this journal was to her - and he had gone through it without her permission.

He felt a stab of guilt pierce him but tried his best to keep his expression unreadable. She looked up at him and he could already see the question in her eyes before she asked it.

"You... you haven't, um..."

"I didn't open it," he said in one quick breath, interrupting her. She stared at him for a long minute and he stood there, hoping she'd believe his lie. He didn't want her to know what he'd done.

"Okay," she said softly, her eyes still on him. Her fingers tightened around the book. "Thank you," she said before turning around and walked away.

The Girl With The HeadscarfWhere stories live. Discover now