» 38 «

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» Just wanted to tell you guys that you are absolute angels and your support continues to make my day. Thank you all so much for this. «


Gunner hadn't expected Lamees to push him like that. He had stumbled back and had almost fallen down on a shelf. She had then taken off like she was being chased and was out of the library before he could even blink.

He had turned around and had mumbled a quick apology to the librarian who shook his head at him disapprovingly. Gunner then realized that Lamees had left all her stuff behind and gathered them hastily in order to return them to her. He chased after her with her bag and books in his hands but she hadn't stopped. Instead, she darted into the girl's bathroom before he could reach her.

He felt awful, like it was all his fault. It was his fault. He had been the one who had cornered her like that, without knowing for sure if she had wanted it or not, if she was or wasn't comfortable with his touches and his advances. And he had made her run away from him.

Gunner didn't know much about her religion but had heard that in Islam, opposite sexes weren't supposed to have any kind of physical contact. He hadn't been sure if that was authentic or not as someone had mentioned it as a joke at a party but now after witnessing Lamees's reaction, he was sure of it. They weren't supposed to touch. They weren't supposed to like each other.

He sighed softly, as he waited for her to come out of the bathroom but after fifteen minutes, he left her stuff beside the bathroom door. He got the hint that she didn't want to see him.

Gunner also took out a piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled the words: I'm very sorry for everything, Lamees.

He hesitated and wondered if he should say something else. He wasn't sure what to say so he left it at that and put the paper inside her bag before straightening up and walking away. He forced himself not to look back.

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