» 59 «

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» I apologize if I haven't been updating as regularly as I used to before. It's because I'm busy working on the final edits for 100 Voicemails and trying my best to get it on Amazon as soon as possible, please bear with me «


Her finger hovered over the send button. It was Saturday afternoon and she wondered if it was too late to congratulate Gunner on his win last night.

"Qu'est-ce que tu fais?"
[What are you doing?]

Lamees startled, jumping up from her chair when she heard her mother's voice behind her.

"Uh... rien."

Her mother frowned at the almost guilty expression on her face. "Lameez?"


Her mother looked like she was about to say something but then decided against it. Instead, she folded her arms across her chest and asked, "Iz zere something you wanna tell me?"

Her mother still had trouble properly pronouncing some of the English alphabets. It was one of the traits that her husband adored about her. Lamees also thought that it was a bit adorable and unique too but right now, her mother's suspecting eyes were making her nervous.

"No," she answered after a few seconds, sounding a bit unsure herself. "No," she repeated again, more forcefully this time.

"Okay..." Her mother nodded and looked away. Lamees couldn't tell whether she believed her or not. "Dinner's reazy, come."

She walked out of the room, leaving Lamees to sigh in relief.

Lamees didn't know why she was freaking out when she could've easily played it cool. So what if she was texting a boy? Her parents wouldn't skin her alive or something.

In fact, they're the ones who often encouraged her to talk to other people, regardless of their sex. They would only be happy if they found out that she'd been interacting with a human being.

She could've told her mom about Gunner, she could've said that it was just a friend - but she was worried that her mom would see right through that lie.

He was already so much more than a friend.

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