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» Guys, thefictionawards have opened up nominations for 2017 and it would really make me so happy if you were to nominate The Girl With The Headscarf in their Spiritual category. If the book gets enough nominations, it'll be qualified for voting in the final rounds. Please support it. «


"Hey," Gunner greeted her, while sitting down in a seat from across her otherwise empty table.

Lamees glanced around wearily as she saw a few heads in the cafeteria turn towards them curiously. And people would obviously raise questions upon seeing the Muslim girl and one of the best basketball players in the school together. She had noticed that Gunner was quite popular among the ladies, even if he wasn't the most sought after guy. His kind attitude and light humor paired together with his toned muscles and good looks made him a squeal worthy target for girls.

"Hi," she managed to squeak without meeting his eyes as she picked on the sandwich in her hands.

"What're you having?" He prompted after a few silent seconds.

"Um, a chicken sandwich."

"Lemme have a bite," he said, stretching out his hand across the table. Hesitantly, she placed the whole sandwich in his palm and moved her hand away, afraid that she might accidentally touch him. He didn't seem to notice though as he took a small bite and chewed on it for a few seconds. She watched the expression on his face and hoped that he would like it.

She had made it this morning and even though, she wasn't particularly good at cooking, she still liked to experiment. Her dad loved it when she made something and always finished it, no matter how burnt or bad it tasted. Since she hadn't tried the sandwich herself yet, she could only hope that it was good.

Gunner smiled approvingly and her shoulders relaxed too as she allowed herself a small smile too.

"This is so good. Did you make this?"

She nodded, trying not to blush at the compliment.

By the time lunch was over, they had shared the sandwich and Gunner had talked her into making the same sandwich for him tomorrow too.

She couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

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