Chapter Two: Night of the Comet

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Trinity walks down the stairs the next morning; ready for school. She pulls her cellphone out and dials Stefan. It rings a few times before he picks up.


"Hey Stefan." Trinity greets. "I'm about to head out. Do you want me to drop by and pick you up?"

Stefan thinks for a moment, knowing that Damon was now in Mystic Falls put him on edge. "Why don't I meet you at your house? I can get there in time and we'll ride together."

Trinity's brow furrows at his answer. "Okay." She drags out before shrugging it off. "Be here in ten or I'm leaving without you."

She hears Stefan chuckle on the other line. "I'll be there."

"Alright, bye." She says.

"Bye." He hangs up.

Trinity walks into the kitchen, eager for her morning hot chocolate. She never understood why everyone loved coffee so much. I guess I just have more energy than most people. She frowns at the memory of a teacher suggesting that she see an ADHD specialist to her caretaker. I guess it comes with the territory of being a shapeshifter.

She takes a sip, closing her eyes and hums at the taste. A dash of cinnamon and a splash of milk always does the trick. She's cleaning the mug and putting it away when she hears a knock on the door. She smiles, grabbing her bag and skipping to answer it. Throwing the door open, she beams at the sight of Stefan. "Hey buddy!" She steps out, closing the door behind her before locking it. "Let's go!" She walks pass him, jumping pass the steps to the ground.

"Someone's happy." Stefan notes with a small smile on his face.

"It's the buildup of energy." Trinity explains. "I haven't been out in the last few days. I'm usually out running or whatnot, but with the arrival of vampires I've been inside more than usual."

"Is there any other way to burn off the energy?"

"Well I guess sex would work." She shrugs. "Why? Are you offering?" She winks playfully.

Stefan chuckles. "I'm afraid my heart is already spoken for."

Trinity raises an eyebrow. "Wow. Already? One day and Elena Gilbert already has you whipped." She grins. "Come on. We got school to go to."

Stefan follows after her. "I wouldn't say whipped." He defends.

"Too late Stefan." Trinity says, unlocking her car. "It hasn't even been a week and you're already saving yourself for her." They get in. "If that's not whipped, I don't know what is." She finishes, driving away.

Trinity sits in History class, doodling in her notebook as Mr. Tanner talks.

"Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" He asks, seeing that they're not paying attention, staring at each other instead. They shake their heads and focus on the lesson.

Trinity chuckles under her breath. She stares at Stefan's back, speaking lowly so only Stefan can hear. "Like I said; whipped." She chuckles again when she sees him tense slightly. When class ends she stands from her seat. "See you at lunch." She says as she walks pass Stefan.

Trinity sees Stefan sitting on a table not too far from Matt and Elena. She walks over and takes a seat at the table. "Hey Stefan."

"Hey." He greets.

She looks over at Matt and Elena and then back to him. "Don't you know that it's rude to eavesdrop?"

"I need to find out if his sisters okay." He explains. Trinity nods and listens in on the conversation as well.

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