Chapter Seventeen: Let the Right One In

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A storm is starting outside. Elena is asleep in her bed. The wind from the storm blows her bedroom window open and Elena wakes with a start. She goes over to the window and closes it.

In Jeremy's room, Anna is looking at the storm outside of his window. "I love storms." She says.

"Is that a vampire thing? Cause I read vampires don't like running water."

"It's only Dracula. Yeah. He was a complete wuss. Never showered. Very smelly."

"Seriously?" He asks.

Anna rolls her eyes. "First rule about vampires, don't believe anything you read."

"You gotta tell me more. I gotta know."

"No, you don't. Cause you're not gonna be one."

"Come on, you can't keep saying 'no' to me."

"Look, I'm not gonna turn someone who learned everything he knows about vampires from Netflix."

"That's not true, and you know it."

"Why do you even want this? Give me one good reason."

"Cause I..." He trails off.

"Hmm. Let me know when you can finish that sentence."

Elena knocks on Jeremy's door and enters his room. Anna leaves. "Hey, you're still up." She says.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Looks like the there's a big storm rolling in. Can you help make sure all the windows are closed?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure." He nods.

Trinity walks into Stefan's room and plops onto his bed. "Wakey, wakey." She shakes his shoulder.

Stefan's rubs the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning Trinity." He groans. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I can't sleep with rain this hard." She tells him. "I need you to take my mind of things so I don't focus on my hearing. It's annoying you know. Like that clock that you can hear ticking from across the room; but instead of a clock, its millions of drums."

"I can see how that would be annoying." Stefan says.

She nods. "I know. So..." She drags out the word. "Since you're old as dirt, you know how to ballroom dance right?"

"Yes?" He says.

She holds up her iPod. "I was just thinking that since we have time to spare, that you can teach me."


"What?!" She asks. "Just like that? You didn't even think about it."

"I don't dance."


"Okay. I don't like to dance." He tells her. "And why do you want to learn anyway?"

"Because it's something that requires focus but is still fun to do." She explains. "So please, please teach me." She pleads. When Stefan doesn't answer she shifts into a puppy and looks at Stefan with big, wide eyes.

Stefan shakes his head. "Fine." He says. Trinity pounces on him and licks all over his face. Stefan chuckles. "Okay, okay."

Trinity gets off of him and shifts back into her human form. "Thank you." She says. She walks over to his stereo and plugs her iPod in. She turns around and stands in the middle of the room. "Get up."

Stefan sighs as he goes to join his friend.

Pearl comes to talks with Frederick.

"We're running low on blood." He tells her. "You might wanna send Anna to the hospital for some more."

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