Chapter Fifty Two: Ordinary People

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Trinity opens her eyes only to see another body next to her.

"Finally." Rebekah says, leaning against the headboard with Trinity's phone in her hand. "I thought you were going to sleep the whole day away."

Trinity sits up. "What are you...?"

"After the visit from the ghost of your dead mother, you were exhausted. You said you didn't want to go to the boarding house and told me to come here."

"Why did you stay?"

"Your mother told me to take care of you. It's the least that I can do, due to the fact that my brother seems to be the reason for your problems." She slaps Trinity's leg. "Now get up; we have school."

Elena and Alaric enter the cellar.

"So, the Lockwood's really have no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?" She asks.

"Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light." He says.

"Wait, what?" She asks, frighten. She doesn't see Damon appear behind her.

"Elena." He whispers into her ear.

She gasps and turns around. "Ah! God, Damon!"

"Scaredy-cat." He smiles.

Alaric shakes his head. "Just ignore him. That's what I do."

"So, you really can't get in?" She asks.

Damon sighs. "No. Seems even the ancient Lockwood's were anti-vampire."

"What do you mean, ancient?"

He gestures forward. "See for yourself." They walk further into the tunnels, to the cave with drawings on the walls. "Well, this is as far as I get to go."

Elena looks around. "What is all this?"

"Well, as far as I can tell, it's a story. In simple, archaeological terms, it's a really, really old story." Alaric points to a drawing on the wall. "That right there, is the moon cycle." He points to another drawing. "A man, a wolf."

"A werewolf."

"Yeah." Damon says from his spot by the entrance. "It's the 'Lockwood Diaries: Pictionary Style.'"

"I don't understand." She shakes her head. "I thought the Lockwood's came here with the Original Founders in the 1860s."

"I don't know. Maybe the Lockwood's did, but according to this wall, these werewolves have been here a lot longer than that." Alaric tells her.

"How long?"

"Long. It gets better." Damon pauses. "Show her, Ric."

Alaric points to the drawings. "Names. They're not native. They're written in Runic, a Viking script."

"Vikings?" She asks.

"This name here, I translated it and it reads Niklaus."


"And Elijah...and Rebekah."

Flashback: Mystic Falls, 900's

Rebekah is using a knife to carve her name in Runic into the cave wall.

Klaus is standing behind her, watching. "Rebekah, let me have at it!"

"Quiet, Niklaus!" She says. "I am to have more concentration if I am not to slice off a finger."

"Father will not like you handling the blade."

"If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield a blade! Father need not know."

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