Chapter Seventy Five: O Come, All Ye Faithful

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Allison drives the car down the rainy road. "Are you sure it's gonna be there?" Trinity asks.

Lydia sighs from her spot in the backseat, next to Malia. "I'm pretty sure. If not, I'm gonna have to call my mom and somehow work into the conversation why I need the family journals that I didn't even know about and could she give them to me."

Allison glances at her from the rearview mirror. "Hopefully she knows. My parents didn't tell me anything because they thought that my grandparents were insane. They didn't want anyone to find out about it. It would ruin their, oh so perfect reputation of our family."

"All families were ordered to pass down the stories to their children, even if the gene died out," Trinity tells her. "Allison was lucky that Laylah intervened and explained things to her."

"Well, I haven't had any dreams of this shifter goddess or spontaneously turned into some animal," Lydia tells her. "Are you even sure that you got the right person? There were other people in the library."

"You're the council member we're looking for Lydia. And Laylah didn't visit you because she knew I was looking for you. There were two ways this could've gone; you start having weird dreams every night and start to think you might be crazy, or you wait to meet me, so I could not only explain things to you, but prove that it's true. As for this shifting business, I wouldn't be surprised if you shifted any day now." Trinity explains.

"I just hope you're not in the car when it happens," Allison says.

"She's a Cypher." Trinity smiles. "She'll probably turn into something like an owl; they're supposed to be wise."

"We've all turned into land animals. What happens if she turns into a water one?"

"Then I'll have to force her to shift back into her human form until we can find an area to train her."

"I don't think Mystic Falls has anywhere big enough to properly train her."

"You don't have to talk about me like I'm not here," Lydia says.

"The palace will." Trinity continues, as if not hearing her. "It was made to equip all of our needs. There are still a lot of places you've haven't seen."

"You haven't even seen the whole palace yet," Allison says.

"Ah, but I'm the Queen. When I awakened, I received all the knowledge needed about the palace."

Malia leans over towards Lydia. "The palace this, the palace that." She grumbles quietly. "This place better be worth all the hype they put on it."

Elena wakes up in Damon's bed. She turns on her side and looks at Damon who is sleeping next to her. She gazes at him for a moment before he speaks up. "This would be so much more fun if we were naked." He says.

"That was your call, not mine," Elena tells him.

Damon opens his eyes. "I was being a gentleman." He rolls over onto his back. "You shouldn't have stayed."

"I know."

Damon gets out of the bed and walks over to his dresser. "I should have made you leave. Sent you packing. I promised Stefan."

Elena sits up. "I know."

Damon takes his shirt off, grabs a fresh one out of the drawer and puts it on. "You're sired to me, Elena. Which means everything that you think you feel; might not even be real."

"I know, Damon, but it feels real." Elena gets off the bed and walks over to Damon. "And I'm not ready to let go of that."

Damon looks at her. "Well, I can make you. Invoke the sire bond."

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