Chapter Fifty-Five: Our Town

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At the boarding house, Damon showers with a smile on his face.

At Alaric's apartment, Elena throws a few jabs at the punching bag.

Alaric enters the room. "Hey, you're gonna put a hole in that thing! You want to talk about it?"

"Nothing to talk about." She says, continuing her attack on the bag.

Damon gets out of the shower and walks into his bedroom, whistling. He sees Stefan is waiting for him. "Good morning." He greets, his mood still bright.

"You're late." Stefan tells him. "We were supposed to meet Bonnie at the witch house in ten minutes."

"Relax, brother. You don't want your hair to fall out."

"Would you hurry up? We have work to do. You know, Klaus isn't gonna spontaneously self-destruct." He pauses, looking at Damon. "Why are you all chipper?"

"No reason. Be with you in a minute."

Elena is still training while Alaric holds the punching bag for her. "So, what's got you all worked up?" He asks.

"I didn't really sleep last night."

"Yeah, me neither. Probably something to do with dying..."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine. I think the ring, however, is running low on batteries."

"Yeah, that's another reason why Jeremy has to get out of town. If those rings have a shelf life, he is not protected, neither are you." Elena says, punching the bag with all the strength she can muster.

"Nice, nice, you're getting stronger."

"I'm just channeling frustration. I need coffee." She walks over to the kitchen counter, taking off her gloves. She begins to make herself a cup of coffee.

"Seems Damon's compulsion worked, Jeremy was packing when I left the house, going on about his new school in Denver."

Elena pause at Damon's name and looks at him. "Have you talked to Damon today?"

"No. Why?"

"No reason." She drinks her coffee.

Trinity hears knocking at the door and goes to answer it. She sees a teenaged boy standing on her porch. "Yes?" She asks.

"Trinity Clairborn?" He asks.

"Who's asking?"

"I'm here for you." He tells her.

She looks at him. "What?"

"I'm supposed to stay by your side. Watch out for you."

"Who are you?"

"My name is James."

"Who told you about me?"

"Katherine." He says. "She told me that I am supposed to watch out for you."

"Why would she do that?"

"She said that the people who are supposed to look out for you; aren't. I'm supposed to stay by your side."

"You gotta be kidding me." She says.

"I'm not-"

She puts her hand up. "Shut up." She lets her hand drop back to her side. "She can't just compel me babysitters whenever she wants to. Did she mention that I'm going insane? I can kill you." She tells him.

"I care about you, I won't leave you."

"Oh my god!" She runs a hand through her hair in frustration. "That's not real! That's just what Katherine compelled you to feel." She takes her cellphone out of her pocket and dials a number.

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