Going Away

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Lana POV

I glanced to my watch before taking a heavy breath, my brain was already over seas, yet here I sat to meet with Mr. White. I'd already told my adoptive mother Rosa I was once again going away. She always does the same thing. She looks at me and cries. I can't help but stand there and hold her, yet no tears leave my own eyes. I've been through this enough times to be so numb to this process. The process of saying good bye. I parked the car outside of the stadium and rubbed my face before even daring to look out my window. Once again Colin was with his brother Dana, yet this time instead of in New York here I was in Las Vegas, at least it was close to a base. I climbed out of the electric blue hellcat and made my way inside, adjusting my shirt so it was fully tucked in everywhere. I motioned my badge to security and was waved in, finding myself in a nearly empty arena. I could see a few people lingering, which included some familiar faces.

"Commander..." I cleared my throat and he turned around, flashing a smile.

"Miss Clark. How did she take it?"

"As she normally does..." I laughed weakly before glancing around him to see Dom and someone who I didn't know. He was short, bulky, surely fit the surfer California look. I couldn't help but flash a smile towards him before nodding to the other man. "Sorry to interrupt... Anyways... My flight leaves in two hours so I'd best be going soon..."

"I know you'll have everything handled agent... Excuse me for a moment..." He pulled out his phone and without hesitation answered.

"Lana this is Urijah Faber... friend and foe..." I offered my hand to him and he shook it before chuckling.

"Nice to meet you... I have never seen a woman so serious Dom, you piss her off?" He shoved him away laughing.

"Fuck off..." Surprisingly enough though Urijah laughed as he walked away. I chuckled at the situation before looking at him, the smirk lingering every so slightly on his lips.

"So you're off to?"

"I can't tell you as it is classified so I'll just say a war zone." I shrugged and looked down for a moment before crossing my arms.

"Be careful? How about when you get back I'll finally ask you out to dinner?" He looked almost shy asking the question making me chuckle as I nodded.

"I would like that very much Dom. Stay out of trouble?"

"Ouch. saying I'm a troublemaker are you?"

"Possibly..." He motioned to the many pins on my jacket.

"You've been over there a lot of times haven't you?" He shoved his hands into his pockets. "It doesn't scare you?" I sighed slightly, thinking over my choice of words.

"That's like me asking if fighting scares you... it's just what I do and what I'm good at... Though I guess at times it scares me, but I love it..." My timer on my watch went off and I huffed. "Walk me out?" He nodded and offered me his hand.

"Seems to be what I'm good at...." We walked in silence towards the exit, the silence was anything but awkward. It was the silence that just calmed the soul. The type of silence you had when you were with someone you got along with and cared about. I let go of his hand and stopped in front of him near the door.

"So dinner... will it be somewhere nice in LA?" He nodded slowly before chuckling slightly. It was obvious he had other plans, I could read people very well. To me he was an open book.

"When do you get back?"

"Two weeks... Say... July 4th?"

"I've got a fight July 2nd against Faber, so as long as I don't end up in the hospital for sure... I'll make some plans for us..." I couldn't help but smile at the thought. To fast forward through these two weeks and be home again. I nodded slowly before leaning in and pressing my lips to his, his hands found my hips, giving a slight squeeze as I pulled away. My lips brushed against his own as I spoke.

"Then it's a date Mr. Cruz... good luck..."

"You too..." He cracked a smile before brushing his lips against mine once more before letting me go and opening the door. "Stay safe..."

"Of course..." I mumbled before walking out. My heart was thumping in my chest, I'd fallen in love plenty of times. For some reason he knew how to push my buttons more than anyone else. I stopped at the car and looked around for a moment. Mentally saying good bye to the normal and forcing my brain into that altered state of mind. I got in the car and looked at my duffle back before driving off towards the airport. My phone buzzing over the bluetooth.


"Miss Clark did I see what I thought I saw?" Colin chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"What would that be commander?"

"You and Mr. Cruz have a interest in each other... Dana said he'd never seen the boy smile so goofy even when he won the title."

"I'm saying nothing commander... Though I do have a date around my return...."

"Mmm I like this boy for you. I'm saying that as your father figure and friend. Rosa will have a field day if I tell her."

"I know she will... maybe that will brighten her mood in the coming couple of weeks. I've just gotten to the airport Colin so I'll be speaking with you in a few weeks..."

"Alright... stay safe out there Lana. We've already lost too many good people over there and I don't want to add anymore of our own to that list..."

"Yes Sir... farewell." I hung up and climbed out of my car before looking onto the large military plane loading up with supplies. I slowly walked over and climbed up the ramp, tossing my duffle bag to one of my comrades.

"Well well... look who decided to join the party..." I chuckled and strapped into my seat. Off I went to my octagon so to speak.

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