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Lana POV

I forced the car into reserve, backing into the spot before turning off the engine. Dom's mom looked like I had just driven on the autobhan, she quickly got out of the deathtrap which was my car and followed after me.

"Excuse me miss?" The nurse stated before I stopped and glanced at her.

"I'm here to see Mr.Cruz and yes I know where I'm going." I kept walking, tugging Suzette along with me and leaving the nurse in shock. In all honesty I knew this hospital like the back of my hand. Suz and I took the elevator to the fifth floor, my heart was racing with sheer anxiety as memories flashed through my brain until we reached his door. A smile cracked my lips as I slowly opened the door, the nurse talking to a very high Dom.

"Mr. Cruz how are you feeling?"

"I'm actually really really really great." He laughed slightly at the end before looking to me in sheer aw. "That's my future wife right there." She looked back as I laughed, covering my mouth for a moment.

" He just needs some rest and the medication will wear off in another two or so hours." I nodded and smiled back as she walked out.

"How are you feel champ?" I sat down on his bed slightly and let Suzette kiss his forehead.

"I'm good. I'm great. Mom did you meet Lana?"

"Of course honey. I'm gonna go ask the nurse for some water, I'll be right back okay?" He nodded before grabbing my hand, I couldn't hide the entertained smile on my lips.

"You're lucky I don't kick your ass for not listening to me Dom."

"I'm sorry. I love you." Quickly he turned shy and examined my fingers. "I wanna marry you some day. Grow old with you. Maybe I'm just saying this all because I'm high. Really high, but that's besides the point. I'm utterly in love with you." I almost wanted to get up yet I moved closer to him and pressed my lips to his forehead before he secured an arm around me.

"I love you too now you need some rest. The nurse said you'll be back to yourself in no time." He nodded slowly before his happy demeanor slowly faded.

"Lana? If I lose the belt will you still love me?"

"Dom." I took his face between my hands and brushed my lips against his for a moment. "I don't love you because you're a champion or because you're a fighter. I love you for who you are and this sport doesn't make you. Yes it is part of you, but without it you'd still be the man you are and whom I love. Stop talking such nonsense."

"That's why all the others leave me." He mumbled, bitting down roughly on his bottom lip. "When they realize I can't do this for my entire life. When they realize at some point those big checks stop coming in and I'm just a guy who used to be the UFC champion." His eyes welled with tears as I shook my hand and peppered his cheek in kissed for a moment before squeezing his hand.

"I'm not them. I've got a enough money to take care of you and all of our friends for lifetimes so don't you worry about that alright? I love you close your eyes and rest." I sighed softly and watched his eyes grow heavy as I stroked his cheek. The thought of him losing the belt and the gift of fighting in general hadn't crossed my mind, yet now I couldn't stop thinking about it. It'd break him more than anything.

"Is he out?" Suzette stated from the door and I nodded, sitting back into one of the seats beside the bed.

"Yeah he's very interesting high." A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I glanced at my watch. "He pours his heart out too apparently."

"I stopped and talk to the doctor. He's got 9 months of rehab before he can do anything Lana. He's gonna be heart broken."

"I'll talk to Dana. They're not gonna strip him of his belt, not over nine months. If he was out for years then he'd be striped but we're talking months." I glanced to her before taking a deep breath. Slowly my stress was seeping to the surface. "It's going to drive him crazy." A mumbled comment slipped through my brims. "We both know he can't sit still for more than five or ten minutes."

"We'll both have to keep him down." I nodded to her comment before sighing softly. "Why don't you go home and get some sleep Suzette? I'll get someone to pick you up." She sighed softly and nodded, I dialed up Erik to come pick her up, plus I needed to be alone to think. Dominick would surely be out for awhile. Only after she left did I really have the ability to think about everything. About Dom possibly losing the belt. I sighed and walked over to the window, cursing under my breath.

"Mmm Lana?" I turned around seeing his eyes flutter open.

"Hey handsome, how ya feeling?"

"Awful." He mumbled and looked to his leg.

"You're gonna be out for a little bit. You've got a lot of physical therapy ahead of you." I sat down on the edge of the bed and ran my fingers through his dark hair. "I'm gonna be with you the whole time. I promise." He smiled and took my other hand, kissing the back.

"Gosh I must have said something really sweet earlier to get your loving side to show."

"Maybe." I laughed softly, a playful smile across my lips. " You said some things that put it all into perspective. They say when people are high they speak from the heart."

"O really? I've gotta know what I said."

"You said you're utterly in love with me and you want to marry me one day. Then you went on to say you're afraid I'll leave you if you lose the belt and how the others left you." I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. "Just for the record I love you more than some stupid belt. I love you for you." He cracked a smile through the saddened expression. Maybe right now he didn't believe me, but sooner or later he would have no choice.

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