Trying To Forget

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"You really shouldn't dwell on her mate." I glanced to Conor sipping on his beer. He was one of UFCs newest signed fighters and slowly became a friend.

"I'm not dwelling on her."

"Alright and I'm not Irish." He scoffed and wandered over to where I was standing in front of the grill. "Her things are still here, what is that then?" I glanced to him before starting to flip the burgers. "Exactly my point. You're stuck on her and that is why you, me, and the others are going out tonight."

"Where?" He shrugged and took a puff of his cigar.

"I'll think about it." Urijah came over and snatch the tongs taking his burger off before looking to Conor.

"I heard party tonight. Where at?"

" Who says I even wanna go?" I looked at the both of them before sipping on my beer as Urijah took over the grill.

"Says that depressing ass look on your face. I can't believe you're still hung up on her man." I wanted to snap, I could feel my heart rate slowly increasing with every beat.

"Cause I fucking loved her! Now drop it!" It took all of my self control not to throw the beer bottle as I walked away and took another swig. I sat down with my feet in the pool looking at the watch securely on my wrist as always.

I glanced to the others seeing them deep in conversation as I pulled out my phone. As pathetic as it was I dared to call and it went straight to voicemail. "Hey gosh it's been awhile since I've called. Three months give or take. Scariest part is I don't know if you're dead or alive. I don't even know if you're in this country anymore or if this is your phone number. I miss you like crazy and I fucked up. You know that, but I don't have anything. I'm lucky I still have my house. I got a job actually. I'm a sports analyst for Fox. Love you." I hung up and shoved my phone back into my pocket before finishing off my beer.

"Conor picked a place, let's eat and then we'll head out." Urijah nudged me as he sat down beside me. He wasn't an idiot, he knew I kept calling her. Those were my lowest days where I longed to be in the past.

"Alright." I mumbled in response. After we are I wandered to my room to get dressed. Her clothes were still tucked away in some of the drawers, her perfume bottle sitting on the spare nightstand. Granted the girls that stayed ever would never notice it till they left in the morning after smacking me across the face most of the time. I chuckled at the thought as I slipped into black jeans, sneakers, and a white t-shirt.


"What's up?" I hollered jogging downstairs looking to the others opening up a giant package, flat, but large. "O don't open that." I grumbled, seeing the large UFC magazine print. Conor wolf whistled and motioned to the blonde.

"She's a beauty." She was, but nothing like the beauty I was wanting to see. It crossed my mind if she had seen the UFC magazine cover. Did it hurt her heart to see the cover or was I nothing to her.

"I didn't even know there was gonna be a bunch of women when I went for the shoot." I grabbed my keys yet Conor snatched them and sat them down.

"We're taking Uber. Let's face it we are all getting hammered. The guy's waiting outside." Conor led the way, Urijah and I stalking after him. The others I assumed would take their cars or another ride. It didn't really matter to me.

The ride to the club wasn't far, before even walking in I could see the cameras flashing our way. I shoved my sunglasses on my face as we walked along towards the club entrance and got waved inside. Before long Conor was lining up shots for all of us, they went down one by one like fire down my throat. The night slowly becoming another blurry mess.

"Oi! You having fun mate?" Conor sat down beside me as I took a swig of my scotch. A blonde was curled up beside me giggling near my ear. I lied through my teeth, forcing a grin to surface across my face.

"Yeah! Say you wanna head to a different club?" I glanced to him before side glancing to the chick I was trying to get away from as quickly as possible.

"Fuck yeah!" He shot up and went to go retrieve the others. I stood and kissed her cheek. Her perfume made me want to gasp for fresh air from it being so strong.

"I gotta go, it was nice meeting you." She pouted before I started walking away. I wasn't feeling the idea of getting laid tonight. My brain was set on getting black out drunk this evening and waking up alone. My body would ache like hell tomorrow, but I would work out nonetheless and restrict myself from injuring my knee anymore.

I walked to the exit and climbed into the SUV beside Urijah who was sneaking a sip of a flash before chuckling. He handed it to me as the vehicle took off. He buckled up and motioned to my belt, which was jammed in the side of the seat. Fuck it, I was too drunk to buckle up anyways.

Conor slurred to the driver where he planned for us to go. Even at this hour the traffic was present here in the city. I glanced down at my hands, my vision was blurry from the alcohol coursing through my system. Numbing my system with each pulse.

I don't remember much after that point. The sound of tires squealing, Conor hollering before I even had the chance to look up. Instinctively I covers my head with my arms. The sensation of being weightless and then nothing.

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