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Lana POV

I awoke to an empty room and for that I was thankful. Not because anyone had upset me, but merely because I longed to be alone. I slowly sat up, feeling the aching pain radiate from my abdominal with each movement. My mind was already ready to get moving, my body had other plans. I unhooked the wires and monitors, freeing myself from the contraption before looking around for my change of clothes. With what energy I did have I walked over to the sofa and dug through the duffle bag, successfully coming across a pair of cargo pants, black short sleeve shirt, and converses. It would have to do for now considering. It took minutes for me to wash up and change, my hand shoving the small blade into my pocket before I took a weak, yet deep breath, and made my way to the door.

I knew this place like the back of my hand, all the back halls to my destination. My body was screaming at me to stop, my vision pulsing enough to give me a headache. Yet it all went away when I saw her. Her wrists bound with hand cuffs in a small cell to my delight. Her head hanging low. I took a deep breath and glanced to my watch, I had about ten minutes before the guards ventured back down this way. I clicked off the camera with a few buttons on the computer, buying me only five minutes. With maximum effort I rounded the corner, grabbing the keys, her eyes were wide, like a fly's.

"Guards? Guards!"

"Surprised to see me?" I uttered while opening the cell, her cuffs were on a long chain to the cell floor. She stayed seated and looked at me with only one emotion. Fear.

"You're suppose to be dead."

"Everything you did was for nothing." She scoffed and sat back.

"Look at you though.The mighty Clark girl barely able to take a breath-" She tried to show she had power, yet her posture gave away just how she really felt. "- I think I won in a way. My family -"

"Dead." I huffed a slight laugh. "I didn't escape I was rescued." The little smile that played on her lips disappeared quickly. "I wish I could kill you, but I really want to see you go to trial. Maybe they'll hang you or let you rot in a cell." I stood, slowly approaching her as I spoke. "You won't forget me though, trust me. Just like I can't forget how it feels to have my ribs broken or my heart stop in my chest." In a swift motion I sunk that tiny little blade into the back of her hand, going straight through to where it rested on her thigh as she screamed. I swore I heard Nicholas' screams echo in my brain as I learned in to whisper in her ear. "That's for my pain... and the baby I lost last time. My dead fiancee I can't say I'll avenge him."

I yanked it from her thigh and hand before walking out of the cell, her screams echoing through the hall as I left. I stopped half way back to the hospital ward and shuffled into one of the bathrooms washing the blood from my hands like some sticky glue. It was only then that I sunk to the floor after looking at my own reflection. She was right. She'd won more than I had first evaluated. I coughed, placing a hand over my mouth as specks of blood decorated my hand, already here I was disobeying Stacey, aggravating the sores inside my neck and near my vocal cords more than likely. I forced myself to stand and once again wash my hands before daring to look in the mirror. Truth be told I didn't even recognize myself anymore these days. I left the restroom, continuing down the hall, obviously discarding the knife in one of the plenty artillery closets along the way.

" Lana?" I stopped, looking behind me to see Erik. He knew. I could tell just by the way his features calmed, probably because he knew I had down the damage down the hall. In a swift motion he scooped me up and started jogging down the hall back to my hospital room, careful that no one saw us. His jogging only increased the pain in my torso, but dare I say my mind was in bliss for the tiny amount of revenge I had received.

He sat me down on the bed and eased off my shoes, looking to the door. " What were you thinking?!" He said through clenched teeth as I shrugged, avoiding his eyes contact. "You realize if anyone saw you, you'd be in huge trouble Lana." He grabbed my face between his hands, my eyes meeting his. "You're lucky I'm the one who found you. What were you thinking?!"

"I-I just wanted to see the fear in her face." I uttered, looking in his eyes. "She took too much from me." He let go of my face and kissed my forehead before helping me lay down before he sat down and quickly fumbled around his bag for a deck of cards. The door moments later creaking open, Colin was standing there.

"Naomi has been stabbed. I was coming to check on you. She won't say who did it." He walked in and closed the door.

"She's been right here the whole time." Erik shrugged and looked down at the cards in his hands as he shuffled. "Care to join?"

" No, but how are you feeling?" I signed to Erik to speak for me, after all I had to play the weak card.

"She says she's still really tired. Her ribs are killing her, but nonetheless she's ready to go home."

"Well once Suzette and Dominick get back here I'll release you into their care." I shot a glare at Colin yet he raised a finger. "No discussion on this, the boy will look after you. You can't go home alone and that's final." He walked out of the room and I crossed my arms, huffing. I had too much work to do in my mind to be under anyone's supervision.

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