Hell Itself

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Lana POV

" You look pissed." I glanced behind me to see Kiki who was settling in her seat and putting on sunglasses.

"I was busy... Last thing on my mind was going across the world right now." I shrugged and glanced out the window of the military aircraft. "Whose on the team?"

"Naomi is our Point of Contact at base. It's you, me, Jason, Will, and Keith."

"I'm here!" Keith hollered running onto the aircraft and sitting beside Jason and Will. He was newer, surely this was his first data collection. Before long we took off, my mind scrambling to pull itself together. Kiki nudged me and pulled me from my thoughts.

"Erik told me you don't trust her So I pulled some strings and got Erik watching over her. Truth be told I don't trust her either. She's very secluded."

"Well I'm counting on her to tell me when the data is uploaded. If she fucks up I'm dead." I huffed, crossing my arms. "Hell I'm already wanting to go home. Dominick broke his hand. They had to do surgery last night. I didn't sleep."

"Well get some sleep. You need it! Especially on this mission." I sighed and placed my head on her shoulder attempting to get some sleep. It felt like moments later we were already in Hell Itself. I blinked looking around, feeling the plane jolt as it began to land on the sandy runway.

The heat was breathtaking... Literally. Wearing all this gear and a bullet proof vest only made it all the more uncomfortable as we walked towards the station of the base. I led the way into the missions tent, glancing at the map with my plan of attack already in mind.

"Alright team! We're going to come in from the south east. Those cities are under our control. We'll make our way to the marked data point. More than likely there will be resistance. We'll head out tomorrow morning around 3am, the cover of night we'll be our advantage. The data point is where we will extract said data and upload it to Naomi. Only when she says it's at 100% will I leave that spot. During the time it will give our enemies ample opportunity to attack. I want Kiki and James at the front. Will and Keith you two will be on me."

"Is there a chance we could be out numbered? Why is this going to take a month?"

"Yes and it's highly likely. This mission is rated a 87 meaning it doesn't get much more dangerous and or difficult than this. In the town beside the data point we'll have plenty of back up and the reason for it taking a month is because we're serving as back up to the good ole marines afterwards."

"This sounds like a awful mission." Will cursed under his breath as I shrugged.

"Not my mission and not my plan. Take it up with the commander." I walked out of the tent and looked up to the sky. It always amazed me how something so beautiful could be over such a awful place.

I sighed softly and wandered down the dirt path, settling on one of the chairs in the makeshift cafeteria before pulling out my SAT phone. It only sputtered out one ring before a familiar voice hollered through the phone.

"Everyone shut the fuck up! It's Lana!" I could hear the sound of the waterfall in the backyard of his house from the pool and the ever annoying woodpecker that had begun to make it's home near your own. "Babe?"

"Hey Dom! God I fucking miss your voice." I chuckled slightly as did he. "How's your hand? I take it good considering you're home."

"Yeah it's stitched up. I got some pain killers and antibiotics. How about over there? How are you?"

"I'm okay. It's hot as hell over here and you won't be hearing from me till tomorrow night your time. I'll be away from base." I always picked my word's carefully when talking of such things. "I leave in a few hours."

"Be careful alright? I can't wait to see you..."

"We miss you!" I heard Suzette holler in the background.

"Tell her I miss her too! I love you guys! I gotta get going. I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Alright babe. Stay safe." I hung up and looked up to the sky again. I should have taken my time to enjoy it that evening.

Yet morning came and I got back into my gear, adjusting my night vision screen over my left eye and checking my pockets once more for everything I needed. The hike there wasn't bad. Dangerous yes, but not difficult. I looked down at my navigation device before looking ahead.

"Data point up ahead... Naomi you there?"

"I'm here Clark." Her voice chimed in my ear piece. "The data point according to my map is up in the top left of the building."

"Copy that..." I motioned for the team to make their way over. Yet everything started moving in slow motion once we breached the place. I ran up the stairs and cleared the portion of the building needed before linking up my device to the seemingly ancient computer. "Alright I'm in...." I looked behind me once I heard guns firing. "Naomi?"

"Working on it... I need time..." I cursed under my breath, looking to Will.

"Go check on the others I'll be fine... We'll need to take the tunnels out... especially if this town is surrounded.... find them they run under this building."

"Roger that..." He ran off and I took a deep breath, glancing to the device once more.

"Naomi... is thing almost done?" I grumbled looking back at the door again. "Naomi... Naomi do you copy?" The thing in my ear buzzed loudly for a moment.

"LANA GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!" Erik hollered in my ear. I yanked out the device, sprinting out of the room towards the tunnels, which I saw Will running into. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and dare I say it nearly stopped when I saw that tunnel collapse when Will attempted to climb down. I squeezed the device in my hand the moment that tunnel collapsed. I heard his screams when the heavy rocks landed on him and turned around only to find a gun to my head before it's impact to my skull. I'd just made it to hell's deepest pit.

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