Eskimos and Good Byes

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Lana POV

I zipped up my suitcase and sighed with relief that it closed easily. My passport shoved into my back pocket and winter mink coat hanging off my suitcase. Dom was half dressed, wearing sweatpants that hung off his hips as he picked out a shirt.

"You ready?" I chuckled, yet he pouted looking at me.

"Never." He mumbled slipping his shirt over his frame before grabbing his keys. I could feel the tension in the air as he glanced to me, pulling me into his embrace. "You know how much I hate this Lana."

"I know, but this one isn't dangerous. It just needs to be done." He nodded slowly before kissing me, one of those kisses that would seemingly linger on my lips till my return. The walk to the car was quick as was the ride to the airport. He stopped the car at the terminal before getting out and grabbing my bag for me. Cameras flashed as we said our farewells.

"I love you. Stay safe."

"Love you too. Always be vigilant." I smirked slightly before I let him go and walked inside. My eyes were already keeping track of the numerous cameras and prying eyes. I walked past security with a flash of my badge before looking around for Eric's familiar form. He always seemed to stand out in a crowd, it only took a few moments to spot him with the woman I was instructed to fly with to Russia. Her hair was almost auburn and her form was that of a dancers, strong yet slim.

"Lana?!" She caught sight of me and ran towards me, engulfing me in a hug. "Thank god you're flying with me. I know Ed looks forward to seeing you."

"Hey Lindsey." I laughed slightly and looked to Eric who gave a nod.

"Travel safe. Let me know when you land."

"I think cameras will do that for us." I rolled my eyes before looking to my watch. "We best get going. Last thing I want is you all over the news. Moving around Snowden's girlfriend with US Seals isn't what I want making the news."

"You're so paranoid." She laughed softly as she looped an arm with we and we left Eric behind. "How have you been? I see that big rock on your finger. You're with Dominick Cruz, that fighter."

"I've been well. I've got good news for Ed. He's being pardoned." I placed my hand over my pocket. "I've got the letter. If he wants to go home his name has been cleared. " Her eyes went wide with excitement as she looked at me.


"I have some pull. You guys are my friends." She nodded before sighing slightly.

"I know about you and Ed, back in Tokyo. He told me everything and I'm not angry because we weren't together and all, but I just wanted you to know, you don't need to hide anything." I laughed slightly and nodded, glancing to her before looking straight ahead again.

"We understand each other more than anyone else really can you know? A lot of alcohol and two highly classified people can be interesting to say the least. I can't tell Dominick about my work you know? It's hard sometimes when you can't tell someone you love anything about your day." She nodded before we handed over our boarding passes.

"Trust me, I know, but he can tell me everything now it's nice. Though I don't think it changes much in his mind, because I don't fully understand it all."

"Yeah, I get that for sure." I grabbed her duffle and put it overhead before sitting down and letting her have the window seat in business class. "I never told Dominick about Ed in any way. There isn't anyone I've told except you and well Ed."

"No one knows you've worked with him or well- befriended?" I shook my head and sat back, taking a deep breath.

"Nothing would beat that in the news headline. Navy Seal had friendship with whistle bowler Edward Snowden and well helped him escape the country along with twenty other Navy Seals." I looked at the menu to distract myself. "Now here I am getting him back in the country. I know when that stupid movie comes out the american people will want to know more about this navy seal and I'm hoping no one figure out it is me. My hair was red back then and the directors said they would use a fake name."

"You don't want Dominick to know do you?"

"I don't want anyone to know." I looked to her before shrugging. "My commander instructed me to protect Edward, you, and a few others with my life. For as long as I or you all live. Edward did what we didn't have the courage to do Lindsey. Speak up." She only nodded before placing her head on my shoulder. She was like family, family I had to hide though.

I ordered a whiskey on the rocks before rubbing my face. As always I was hiding a part of my life from someone or everyone. I was almost excited to go to Russia. To get away from reality for awhile and focus on something other than life. To just focus on work and drown in it for a bit like the old days.

"You're overthinking something right about now."


"You and Ed act a lot a like. Your hand is clenched in a fist and your knuckles are white." She lifted her head to look at me and chuckle. "I get good at reading your type of people. You can't stop thinking for more than a second."

"Yeah." A weak laugh escaped me as I looked at my hand. She wasn't lying and she wasn't wrong. Yet she was more right than anyone. People like us. Top secret clearances and knowing information that only a handful of people knew tended to drive us crazy. "You just know the tip of the iceberg darling."

"Ladies and Gentleman please get ready for take off."

Here we go.

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