Public Eye

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Elana POV

The next day Dom was training like a mad man. I laid on the gym floor, throwing a tennis ball at the wall, my mind wandering. I'd come to terms with the fact that my life was no longer a secret. That being with Dom meant being in the public eye. That also meant my job was in possibly jeopardy. I glanced to the door, still throwing and catching the tennis ball.

" Well don't you look like a lazy shit." The tennis ball nearly smacked me in the face at the sound of Colin's voice. I slowly sat up before standing, glancing around.

"Must be important for you to come find me." He nodded slowly handing me a folder.

"Lidnsey needs a secure ride to the airport and when you're done I need to speak with you about some more important matters. Naomi said you're the one who stabbed her. The FBI wants to question you." I scoffed crossing my arms.

"Erik already confirmed I was with him in my hospital room. I was tortured who thinks I could possibly pull off a stunt of that magnitude?" Colin chuckled deeply and glanced around.

"Because you're a Clark. I know you better than I know my own brother or anyone else. I watched you grow. I know your spirit is that of fire itself. You could have lasted weeks there. You're like your mother and father." That statement sent a shiver down my spine at just how right he was in that moment. Wanting to harm Naomi made me no better than my parents. "Yet you have a heart which they lacked. I have to ask, but why didn't you kill her." He knew and he wasn't a fool. Erik more than likely told him right after it happened.

"I wanted her to understand a portion of what I felt and fear. Fear that I could end her at any time." He shook his head whispering curse words under his breath.

"You realize how much trouble you would have gotten in had you been caught." He dug in his pocket for a cigarette. "I just wanted to see if you'd be truthful with me. She strangled herself with a bed sheet." My felt my blood run cold as he motioned for us to go outside. We both ended up lighting cigarettes. " She knew we weren't going to give her a fair trial. She would have spent her life in a cell."

"This is true. It's fucked up, but I wanted to be the one to end her." I took a long drag of my smoke.

" Maybe you should get into fighting Lana. Might take some of the stress off your mind." I scoffed, looking down at my shoes.

"Nothing can take the stress off my mind. We both know that Colin." Instinctively I bit the inside of my cheek. " So when are you sending me back."

"I don't know if I can't. Being as you're known to the media now Lana." I looked at him nearly glaring.

"Don't you fucking take that away from me."

"Lana why don't you think about having a family. Some kids. A nice quiet space to settle down. You already had the FBI investigate you because of Edward Snowden. You don't need any more shit." I flicked my cigarette to the ground, laughing bitterly.

"I'm not doing any of that shit. I know you need me to go to Russia soon, but I can't keep playing house Colin you know that more than anyone." He nodded slowly, only because he knew I was right.

"Calm down and I'll see what I can do alright. I know you're itching to do something." He glanced to his watch and sighed. "I gotta go. Stay out of trouble okay?" I shrugged in response and walked inside before he could carry on the conversation. I loved this life I was living, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't me. I needed the adrenaline rush of being on the brink of death. How fucked up right?

By the time I was inside Dom was packing up his things and drying his face with a towel. I had to tell him about Snowden sooner or later, but that wasn't part of his world. It was part of my lifestyle. The one I was trying to protect him from.

"Everything alright?"

"yeah, everything is good." I flashed a smile before walking with him to the car. "I've gotta go away for a bit soon. I'll be back in time for your fight."

"Can you tell me where you're going?" I started driving and shook my head. It was better that he didn't know. If someone came around asking questions it could be an issue. The less he knew the better.

"Nope you know how it is, but I'll be able to call home. It isn't dangerous. I've just gotta escort someone to another country. Safely." I glanced to him before looking back at the road. This side of Dom came out whenever I was about to leave. The anger mixed with disappointment.

"When are you gonna call it quits Lana." He mumbled looking to me as I parked the car in our driveway. "When am I gonna stop having to say good bye."

"Dom don't do this- " He got out and slammed the door, making me curse under my breath. I sighed and got out, slamming my own door as I walked after him. "How the fuck do you think I feel Dom?!" I grabbed his arm and he glared at me when he faced me.

"You signed up for this shit Lana!"

"It's my job! Just like you put your body through hell! I'll be lucky if you're still able to run around when we have a baby Dom. I don't get fucking upset with you over your job. You don't think it hurts me leaving you? Huh?!" I rolled my eyes and walked by him, my eyes welling with tears.

"Lana." He sighed and grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry. I know it's what you gotta do and you're not some girl that stands in the sidelines, but you gotta realize you can't do this forever. Just like I can't fight forever." I nodded before he hugged me, I made a face feeling his sweaty body. "Now you have to shower with me."

Well played Cruz. Well played.

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