The Pain of Nothing

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Hey all! I made some adjustments to the story. No need to really to back and read it all again. Instead of using you I've changed to he/she and you'll notice that going ahead. Other than that I haven't changed the plot.

Dominick POV

The first few days went by slow, especially when the day passes that she lacked to call. Yet when my phone rang and I got the message time seemed to crawl by at a turtle's pace.

"Dominick, this is Colin. I need you to come to the base. You can bring loved ones, but you need to get here."

"Is she dead?"

"No, just, you need to get here. I'll make sure you don't have any issues." He hung up before I could ask another question. I hopped off the sofa and grabbed a duffle bag while pressing the phone to my ear. In the matter of minutes I'd managed to call my mother, Rosa, and Joe who was slowly becoming like a brother to me. Being surrounded by two women wouldn't fair well if the situation was bad. I started walking for the door when I stopped in my tracks, noticing the navy blue box on the coffee table in the living room. I jogged over and popped it open. grabbing the watch before heading out the door.

The drive there was brief and just by the guards face when I told him my name I knew something was wrong. I parked my car and climbed out, adjusting the watch on my wrist as my mom pulled up.

"What's wrong?!"

"I don't know!"

"Dominick. Suzette. Come with me." I looked up to see Colin and Rosa near one of the buildings. My mom looped her arm with one of mine as we walked along. Joe had finally parked and was jogging up behind me.

"You all need to promise me that whatever you see in this building you do not tell anyone." Colin stopped and looked at the three of us. Rosa lived on base so she more than likely knew all of these rules already. Yet Colin looked at all of us as he placed his hand on a door knob. "What you see in this room-" His expression shifted to sheer anxiety as he pause. "-is out of my control. We are working on a plan and I understand if any of you need to step out at any time because even I don't know what is going to happen."

My stomach was in knots as I nodded, my mom's hand was shaking against my arm as Colin opened the door. At least fifteen people were typing away on computers, analyzing maps, or hollering on the phone. There was a sound of heart monitor going off in the room, from where I didn't know. Then there was Erik standing in front of a screen, with his arms crossed. I stopped where I stood when I saw what was on that screen. Lana was hanging by her neck and arms, seemingly fighting for consciousness as she stood on her tippy toes. "Lana was taken three days ago in the morning. We are looking for a plan to save her as we speak." Colin nearly whispered it, yet I walked past him and stood beside Erik. "She's got a microchip under her skin and her pulse is good. She's still in control of her breathing."

"I should have gone." He mumbled to himself. "They've already beat the living shit out of her with a fucking baseball bat and a electrical rod." He looked to me, his eyes red not from crying but lack of sleep. Up close I could see blood dried on her face that had dripped down her neck. My mother's hand was over her mouth as she coiled into my arms.

"I can't. I need some air." Rosa looked at the screen and shook her head.

"My baby, my poor girl." She brushed tears off her cheeks as my mother walked out of the room. We all stood silent when a voice boomed from the video feed.

"Wake wakey. Ah! That is right! You didn't get to sleep." The man chuckled and walked over to her, grabbing her face between his fingers. "Pity." He let her head fall slightly before looking at her neck as he pressed something against it. I watched a current rippled through her fragile body. Lana's feet giving out and the pressure going to her neck as she began to choke. The heart monitor raced, booming against my ears.

My good hand balled into a fist. I wanted nothing more than to bust the man's face into his skull. Yet he wasn't close to done. Lana's mother joined mine in the hall when he began hitting her, yelling at her to speak. Yet she took each punch, bat hit, and shock as if it was nothing. Even the man became scared when she started to shake. The rope loosened and she fell to the ground shaking, dare I say convulsing. Her heart was racing from the sounds of the monitor. Then silence. I heard the typing stop, the talking stopped. Everyone was looking at the screen.

"Lana! Lana don't you fucking die! Lana!" I yelled, my heart was racing as the man pointed the metal device at her neck and shocked her again. Her heart monitor beeped once. He chuckled slightly and squatted down before shocking her again. The beeping picked again and she gasped for air.

Even in the fragile state, she snatched the rod and shocked the living hell out of him till they started choking her again. A bloody smirk crossed her lips as he groaned with anger.

"You! O your death will be spectacular!" He began storming out of the room.

"Fuck. You." He stopped and looked at her. I never thought he'd stop hitting her after that, not until she hung nearly lifeless by the strength of her hands holding onto that rope. I felt sick to my stomach and looked to Joe who looked like he was about to throw up.

"We gotta get her tonight Colin." Erik looked at him. "She's gonna fucking die in there! She's provoking him so he doesn't play any games! Let Kiki lead a fucking team in there! We all know Naomi is at fault for everything that happened!" Colin cursed under his breath and grabbed ahold of one of the SAT Phones.

"Hello? This is commander Colin White. Kiki I expect you to leave before day break. I don't care what you have to do. Kill all targets and bring her home. I don't care what it takes, gather some marines." He hung up and looked to me before looking back at the screen. Time wasn't flying fast enough for me.

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