Super Woman

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I looked to the cars as they left before we all went back inside. Only those of us outside had seen what had happened. Lana didn't seem to let it phase her as if she'd known it was going to happen sooner or later.

I stopped her when we were alone and pulled her toward me. She looked completely okay though surely she could see the anxiety written across my face.

"Lana.... Who were they?"

"People of the United States government who didn't agree with what we did for Snowden. They see us as threats to the government and want us in prison. It's nothing new. They can't do anything but threaten us under the table."

"You know this stuff affects me now too. Our family... Our friends..." She shut me up the best way she knew how and that was to kiss me. Even with having Alex our bond never wavered. She was still very much the love of my life as my son was now.

"What I'm doing Dom..." She mumbled against my lips. "Is my job to this country and to our family." I sighed knowing damn well I couldn't fight her on the subject. She'd do what she felt was right and I knew there was no stopping her. "You focus on your fight and I'll focus on mine." She smirked slightly yet I could only manage a chuckle before following her out back. It was a nervous chuckle at that fact.

She acted completely normal around our friends and family. As if someone didn't just come threaten her at gun point. It scared me how much she could control her emotions. Admittedly it crossed my mind daily at the memories of her getting beaten and tortured. She in turn acted as if it never happened.

"You're scared for her aren't you?" I glanced to my side seeing Edward. He fixed his glasses yet kept looking straight ahead. "I'm good at reading people. Sorry."

"It's okay and to answer your question... Very much so." I crossed my arms looking at the family chilling by the pool. "I just don't understand why she won't give it up. Our son needs her. I can't ever picture telling him his mom isn't coming home you know?"

"I've known Lana for a long time. She's crazy I think in the best way. She'll do anything for the people she cares about. Mainly you I'm sure. She's smart though. Way smarter than me." He chuckled slightly. " If I didn't have her and the rest of her team I'd be in prison right now."

"I never knew she helped you till recently. I'm not one for politics, but I respect you. I won't give me take on it though because I never paid enough attention to it all. Not like you or Lana." I motioned to the drinks. "Grab a drink with me. What else am I missing that Lana hasn't told me?" I popped open a beer before handing him a bottle.

"Mmm in what regards?" He pushed his glasses up again, it seemed to be a nervous habit of his. If not nervous than possibly just a habit.

"She never talks about her childhood... About her parents you know?" He looked down before sitting in one of the chairs. I sat down and watched him make note of where Lana was, which was across the yard.

"She was born to two agents. Her father was mainly a pilot and her mother more so special forces. They were obsessed with their jobs. Lana was merely a mistake." Ed shrugged, looking down at the drink before taking a swig. " She knew how to fire a gun before first grade. They weren't parents per say.... More so trainers. Lana took a assessment when they were giving her to Rosa. Lana lacked... Human compatibility, emotional understanding, anything that was a normal trait she lacked. She was a soldier in the main sense. Her parents weren't good at the nurturing part. They were good at naturing... Making her fit into society."

"So she was abused?"

"Abused." He pointed to his head. "Without the physical pain. She learned to be a fighter just by growing up around psychopaths. Lana doesn't talk about it, but her files do. That's why she's so good at what she does." He took a long swig of his beer as I did mine.

"I never knew."

"You probably never should. I can tell you Lana isn't like her parents. Rosa was a nurse for children and people with PTSD. She raised Lana through her teen years. Fixed what she could in her personality. You taught her the rest?"

"How did I teach her anything?" He chuckled and once again adjusted his glasses.

"Every few minutes she glances to you for real reasons. Reason one you're home base and reason two she's making sure you're safe. You taught her love. She's got Alex and learned a whole new type of love. Yes Rosa gave her motherly love. A bond with another person isn't something a parent can teach. Only a lover." I glanced towards Lana, she was now walking towards us with Lindsey.

" What are you two up to hmmm?"  She sat beside me and pressed a kiss to my neck. I instinctively pulled her closer and chuckled.

"Maybe we were talking about you beautiful. How would you like that?" She laughed, her face turning a shade of pink. Maybe he was right. Maybe I did teach her how to love truly. I pressed a kiss to her lips as I gave her hand a squeeze. The others slowly coming to sit by the fire and roast marshmallows or whatever else their heart desired.

I was just content sitting her with her. She was safe and that's all I needed. However I knew this time wouldn't last. She's be going back to be super woman and save the day.

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