Love Me♥Raura

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"Do you honestly not know?" They asked me. I shook my head. I looked over at her. She had tears streaming down her face while looking at her parents. I looked at mine. My mom was crying in my dad's shoulder.
"You can not see her!! If you do, I will press charges against you and therefore you will go to prison!!" I was lost for words.
"You don't know anything about me and so I suggest you stay the hell away from me!!" I screamed ran off. I didn't know where I was going but I did know I didn't want to be there.
"Please!! I love you and I know you still love me!!" I yell. "I thought I loved you, but I can't!!" With that she ran off. I kicked the wall.
"Why? Why would you do this!!?" My mom asked. "I didn't!! It wasn't me. It was..." I trail off. "Who was it!!?" She shouted. I kept quiet and looked down.
"Why should I? After everything you put me through!!" She asked. "Because I love you and want you to Love Me. You know I do." I said. "Then prove it because what you did drove me to the edge." She said. I got up and walked towards her. I crashed my lips in hers.
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