Chapter 20

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The school board was notified of the incident that occured in the room. I was done. I was released earlier today but I know this is not the end. How could Laura do that to me? I know what I have to do. "I'm leaving mom!" I shouted to my mom. "Where are you going?" She asked. "For a drive. I won't do anything I will regret!" I say. She smiles. "Be home before 7!!" She shouted. I nod and take my keys.

I was on the cliff. I looked below me. About 700 feet above the ground. If I was to fall off, then this is would be the end of me. I crotch down staring at the ground. I won't lie, it was calling my name. "Ross!?!" I heard my name be called. I jump up and hold my chest. I look at the person. Laura. "What are you doing here!?" I ask. "Don't do it!" She said. Do what!? Does she think I was going to jump? I smirked. "Why shouldn't I!?" I ask. "Don't." She said. I noticed she had a knife in her hand. I stepped closer to the edge. "No please!" She said. She ran over and dropped the knife over the bridge. "What did you do?" I ask. "Nothing." She said and looked down. She grabbed my hand pulled me towards her. She was not in fear anymore. "I want to go somewhere." She said. Can I trust her? I noticed her palms were shaking. I took her hand we went back to my car.

"I know. You don't have to be scared of me. I'm sorry about that night." I say. She puts her hand up silencing me. I sat down. "Why have you changed?" She asked and looked down. "I use to love the old you. What happened to that Ross?" She asked. We were at a hotel just a mile away from home. She bit her lip. She was scared still. "Please forgive me." I pleaded. "Why should I? After everything you put me through!!" She asked. "Because I love you and want you to Love Me. You know I do." I said. "Then prove it because what you did drove me to the edge." She said. I got up and walked towards her. I crashed my lips into hers.


Why was she so uneasy? Why did she have a knife!!?? Raura?? I'll update 12㏂ my time.No update this weekend:( Comment and Vote!!!


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