Chapter 14

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I won't let this guy win. "Ross!!! Drake!!" Laura shouted. Drake fell. She ran over and comforted him. "Are you okay?" She asks him. I grit my teeth. "I'm okay now that your here." He says. I bite the inside of my cheek. She glares at me.Teachers come out. "What's going on here!!?" Mrs.Nancy asks. Drake answers first. "I was just here and suddenly Ross came and attacked me." He smirked. "What!!?? No he's lying!!!! I was here looking at the sky and thinking when he came!!! I never attacked him. He hit me first. If you don't believe me, check the cameras, they don't lie!!" I yell. I was getting upset. "No he's lying!!! He was over here talking about how he was going to get my Laura back!!!" He lied. I balled up my fist but kept calm. "No!! I didn't!! Laura doesn't want to be with me and I learned to accept that!!! I haven't even talked to anyone about her except Kate to tell her that I was holding Laura back in our relationship!! He's lying!!! I promised my mom I wouldn't get in trouble anymore so I won't break that promise!!!" I shout with my face getting red. "Enough! Both of you!! Detention for a week both of you. Ross morning and Drake afterschools." Mrs.Nancy says scolding us. She then leaves with her aides. I look back at Laura. She gets up and helps Drake. "Stay away from her!!" He said and took her by the shoulders. They then walked away. She looked back at me. We met gazes for the first time since then. She quickly turns away. I kick the car tire. "Fuck!" I shout. The bell rang. I got in my car. I drive away.

I'm suppose to be in school. I broke some rules of the law. What is with me and the law? I ended up back at the house I destroyed. Why am I? Is it because it reminds me of her? I parked my car far away from the house and got out. I locked it and started towards the house. "Lynch!" I heard be called behind me. I turn around and come to face a bruised Randy along with Jack and his little possy. "What?" I ask. "Think you can hurt someone and get away with it?" Randy asks. How did they know I would be here? They started crowding me. "Look for trouble somewhere else." I say as I turn to walk away. Jack then punches me across the face. I touch my lip. No blood. I laugh. "You shouldn't have done that." I said and just knock him out cold with one punch to the jawline. They looked on. "Anybody else?" I smirk.


"Anybody else?" I smirk. No one moves. "Stay away from my Laura or else", I warn. I take her hand and we make it back to her place.

"Did you really have to beat every guy that comes in my way?" She asked. "No. They just want to test my patience.  Everybody knows I don't have the time of day for that". I say as she leans back onto my chest while playing with my fingers. "You don't have to literally hit someone to get your point across." She says. "Did words work?" I ask. She looks down. "I thought so. Now, I want water." I say. "You have hands and feet. Get up and get it yourself." She says in an irritated kinda of way. "What? But you always get my water." I point out. She rolls her eyes and gets up. She soon comes back with my water. "Happy!!??" She says sarcastically. "Very." I smirk. "How long til your parents get home?" I ask. "4 hours. Why?" She asks. I place my water on the nearest table. I then pull her on me. "Just enough time." I smirk.

"Okay enough. I still don't know why you have to so violent." She says. I sigh. "If you were a guy and dating a beautiful girl like yourself, you would understand." I tell her. She pecks me cheek while blushing. "Well good to know. My dad is home in 2 minutes so you have to go." She tells me. "Okay. Goodbye kiss?" I ask. She rolls her eyes playfully and kisses me. 

~~~~~~~End Of Flashback~~~~~~

What an amazing day that was. It started out like what just happened and ended with something amazing. Nobody moved. "Keep your brother away from me and tell him that if he dare crosses me, he will regret it. But mostly if he hurts Laura, I will kill him. That is a threat." I say and walk towards where I was going anyway. I smirk."Stay out of my way and I won't be in yours."


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