Chapter 30

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I was processed through and so I have to stay her for a week. My dad managed to get the charges lowered. They will treat me like everyone else except I get my own shower, food, and space. They are keeping everyone from me because they believe I might try to kill someone. The judge from my trial with Laura was my judge. Since she found out that all I was doing was defending her for the abuse Drake caused her, she said to let me be here just for a week. It has been 4 days already. Just 3 more days and I'm free. Officer Mike and James laugh at me each time they see me. I just smirk. It has been 6 days since I last saw Laura. I miss her but I can't bring her down. I love her and want what's best for her.

"Lynch. Phone." A guard said. I nod and get up. We then walk to the phone booth. Everyone clears the room. I shrug as the guard leaves also. I look through the glass and see the brunette I love so much. She wiped her tears as soon as she seen me and smiled. I forced one back. We both pick up the phone. We just stare at each other while we listened to our breathing. A tear fell out her eye. I touch the glass. I would wipe it if I could. She mouthed 'I love you' and kept crying. I couldn't watch anymore and spoke up. "I love and miss you." I say. "I miss you soo much. I love you too. You have to come home. I can't live without you." She said. I smile. "Were not meant to be." I say. "Yes we are. Did what happened 7 nights ago not matter to you? I gave up everything to be with you. I risked my life for you." She said. "Laur..." She cuts me off. "No. I want reasons. I've never had such intemacy with anyone but you. Our love is deep. Deeper than we think. Your the one for me. I'm the one for you. If you honestly don't know that then we would've never become what we are today." She cried. "That is it exactly. I wish we didn't. I'm a bad influence on you. I have been telling you to love me but where has that gotten you?" I ask. "See that's exactly it. I love you. Your not perfect and I'm not either. My parents are upset with me for being at total loss. What I lost is you. Your who you are. I don't care about reputation. I just want to with you for you!" She said. "You are what keeps me going everyday. I'm sorry for trying to change you earlier in our relationship. I realize that your everything I have ever wanted. Just come back to me. Love me as much as I love you. I know you do and you won't walk away from me", She continued. "What if I were to? What if I walked through those doors and not turn back even for a second? After I leave this dump, I'm not turning back. I will be who I am. What if I were to leave you just like you left me? Broken and shattered." I ask. She looks down. "Then I'll do what you did. Fight. You didn't give up. Even when I was running away from you, you still didn't leave me alone. Everytime I turned to leave, I felt I was leaving a piece of me behind. I can't and won't leave you. We belong together!" She said. "Even if you try to walk away from me, I won't let it happen." She said. But what about her huh? I let her walk away on her ground. I was about to say something but the guard walked back in. "Times up." He said. I nod. "I got to go." I say. "Just tell me you'll come back to me." She said. I sigh. "Let's go." The guard said. "No wait! I need him to tell me so!!" She said. "I love you and forget me." I say. "Ross!!!" She yelled and pounded on the glass screen. I walked away without turning back once. I can't. She has to forget me. I love her and this is hurting me even more. I want her to be happy.


Then get back together!!!! Ugh! Selfish! Not even caring about my feelings:'( Hahaha! I'm weird. Comment and Vote!!!!!!


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