Chapter 19

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He jerked back holding his jaw. I was gonna hit him again but the hands I miss so much stopped me. "Please. Don't." She cried. I looked at Drake smirking at me. "Iloveyousomuch." She mumbled but I couldn't makeout what she said. Next thing I know, I'm on ny knees with excrociating pain. I look down to see Drake had stabbed me. Laura was screaming at the top of her lungs. Everything around me was getting darker and darker until nothing was left. It was pitch black.

Ugh! Where am I? I woke up in a white room. Not a hospital room though. It was surrounded with cushions!? What the hell?! A nurse walks in. "Oh your awake. Are you feeling okay?" She asked nervously. "I'm fantastic. Why am I here?" I ask. "A friend of yours brought you here. He said you tried to commit suicide so we are going to keep you here for examination." She explained. "Suicide!!!?? What!!?? Why in world, would I do that?!!" I asked. "We don't know. You have signs of mental illness." She said. What!? "Are you people crazy!!?? I would never do anything like that!! I was stabbed!!! I last remember being in school for detention. I was talking to my ex when her boyfriend came and we fought. She stopped me from smashing his face and Boom! Next thing I know a knife was in my gut!" I explain. She nods writing on her clip board.  Does she think I'm crazy?! "Why don't you believe me!!?" I shout. "I do but that is not what is in our records. Do you remember this?" She asked. She handed me a paper that described about me wanting to commit suicide and my reason being because Laura didn't wanna be with me. "What the hell!!?? This is not even my writing!! I didn't write this and I wouldn't want to die just yet." I say. "I want to die happy. There is something off about this. Where's my mom and dad?" I ask. "Who are they?" She asked. "Mark and Stormie Lynch." I say. "I'll contact them right away." She said and left. Why am I in a mental hospital!? Mental illness? What in the world!?

"Mom! The nurse says I'm crazy so they put me in here!" I said as soon as my mom came into view. "What happened!?" She asked. I explained the situation to her. "What!? You got stabbed!?" She said then started checking my body. She placed her hand on my wound. "Mom! Ow!" I say. She then lifted my shirt to see the bandages. She then started crying. "Who did this to you!?" She said. "Laura's boyfriend, Drake." I simply say. "Why!?" She asked. "Because I wouldn't stay away from Laura. I also know about him selling drugs." I whisper. She nods. I wiped her tears. Out the corner of my eyes, I seen Drake smirking at me. It's done. I will put an end to him. Literally.


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