Chapter 3

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I ran and ran until I came to stop.In front of where it all happened. I stand there looking as the events occurred in my head.
I was shocked.Did she really just break up with me. "Why!!??" I ask. "Because you never listen to me!! We could be at a charity case and you would be upset that I would talk to the manager!! I can't take anymore of these fights!! I can't take Us!!! We are done!!" Her tears poured. I was not gonna let her leave me. "You can't leave me!!" I shouted at her. "Well I am and there is nothing you can do about it!!" She spit in my face. I was enraged by this point. I let my anger get the best of me. I never thought I would do that especially to her. I slapped her. She held her cheek. "I want nothing to do with you!!" I slapped her again. She was now crying hysterically. "You can't and won't leave me!!" I said and grabbed her. "Let me go!!" She shouted. "No! Were going to take a trip!!" I smirked. "No! I don't want to be anywhere with you!!!" She shouted. I covered her mouth. "Ssshh Laura…someone might notice us", I say. She struggled to get out of my grip. I love this girl and I wasn't let go of her that easily. I put her in the car. "You leave and I promise you everything will become worse." I say to her. She nods and shakes. I close the door and get in the driver's side. "Buckle up." I tell her. She refuses. I ball my fist. She instantly gets hold of the seat belt. "Good girl." I say and pat her head. I then start the engine. "Just don't hurt me please." She whispered and cried. I look at her and drive off.
~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~
I hurt Laura. She wanted nothing to do with me since that night. Sad part is, I didn't care. Things just got uglier for her then. I fell to my knees. I have anger issues huh? Then what was it that I was so mad about. This made me more confused then I was. Looking back to half of what happened that night, I don't see exactly why I became such a monster in the blink of an eye. I took my anger out on her. I hurt the one that loved and cared for me most. I was mad she wanted to leave me but my aggressive side came from something else. What was it!!??
"Sir you are traspassing please leave my house before I call the cops." A lady said to me. "Did you see 2 kids arguing over here a week ago?" I ask her. "I have no idea what your talking about so leave please." She said harshly. "Okay pushy. I just need to know some things. Was the guy angry to the point he was aggressive?" I ask. "Son. Your crazy. I was not here last week. If I seen something like that then I would've contacted the police. Now get off my yard!!!" She shouted. I slowly backed away. "Thank you." I say and run off. I ran to a payphone. I dialed her number. I know I'm not suppose to be in contact with her but I need answers. "Hello?" Her sweet voice answered. I froze.
You guys got what happened after this or atleast have an idea right!!?? Comment and tell me if you do!! Vote also!!!

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