Chapter 9

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"Ross Shor Lynch!!!!" My mom yelled as soon as she saw me. "Mom!!" I called. I was handcuffed. "What did you do now!!!??!" She shouted. "Your son was caught on someone else's property. He vandalized this place from top to bottom and cost $100,000 worth of damage. He also threw the weapon at a car that was driving down the road. 1 person was injured and they may press charges. He also received a parking ticket and will be paying for the damages." An officer explained to her. She was already into tears. "Mom look I'm -" She cuts me off with her finger, telling me to shut up. I shut my mouth instantly. My dad walks in behind. I roll my eyes. "How much for bail?" He asks them. "We will be holding a trial in a week. Bail right now is not available." An officer says. "No but it is for Mark Lynch. Now I want you to release my son". He says sternly. "We can't. Your son has commited a violent act. He even injured someone. Apparently this person was with one he recently was told to stay away from that he also hurt. How is it that, that is possible?" The officer asks. "Why is it that, that person was there? Did she know he would be there? Violent or not he will not be in here and I want his records clear.Do you understand me?" He asks the cops. "We still need to hold him til the trial." He says. "No you won't. However much money is then you'll get the amount. But he will not stay here. Do I make myself clear." He says. The officer nods and takes the cuffs off me. My mom instantly embraces me. "I'm fine." I tell her. "I'm so disappointed in you." She says. "I'll explain later." I whisper to her. She nods. My dad then signs me out. The officer looks at me. "I'll see you soon." He says and smirks. Well see about that. I smirk. Mom takes my hand pulls me out.

We now at home and both parents paced around. I looked up at both of them. "Do you guys want to sit?" I offer them seats. They glare at me. "I'm sorry." I say. "You always are Ross!!! Take responsibility for your actions!!!" My dad raises his voice at me. "Mark!! He's just a kid!!!" My mom defends me. "No he's not!!! He's 18 Stormie!!" He shouted her. "Don't yell at mom like that!!!" I defended her. "What did you say!?" He asked. "I said don't yell at mom like that!!!" I said. He pulled me up by the shirt. "Mark!! Let him go!!" Mom said to him. "Why should I!!?? He's been nothing but a burden in our life!!!" He shouted. Mom then slapped him. He released me. "No he's not!!" She then hugged me while crying. "He's the best thing that has ever happened to me!!" She bursted out. Dad was taken back. I hugged her and wiped her tears. "It's okay. Everything is good." I reassured her. I glared at him. "You should be happy.You wouldn't be here without me!!" He said. "Let's go to bed." I tell my mom. She nods. I lead her to her room as she wiped her tears. I glared at my dad as we continued walking.

"I promise you. I won't do anything else." I promised her. "I will try to not get in trouble and talk to my counseler." I tell my mom. "Thanks sweetie. Please apologise to Laura." She said. "Mom even if I did, she wouldn't accept it. I hurt her puny boyfriend tonight. I damaged his car." I tell her. "Sweetie tell me what happened with you and Laura that night." She said. I sighed. I can't keep it to myself forever. She just saved me from a beating from my dad, so mind as well tell her. "Well it all started........................................................................................................................................................................"


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