2.0 | New friends

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~Luna's POV~

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at it and read the name "diamond white💜". "hello" I said answering the phone "hey are you up?" she asked me as I sat up. "I am now" I said rubbing my eyes. "oops sorry" she said "okay so we're going to go to the address Corinna sent us at 6 so be ready when I come home i'm not waiting for you" she said as I rolled my eyes.

"like you always wait for me" I said standing up out of bed. "whatever i'll see you later tonight" she said as I looked at myself in the mirror. "okay bye Diamond" I said "bye Luna love you!" she yelled into the phone. "love you to" I said back as she hung up the phone.


It was later that night and I had to get ready. I took a shower and when I got out I did my hair and left it down. I lightly did my makeup and walked to my closet. I changed into light wash jeans, a white off the shoulder crop top and white slip on vans.

I checked my phone and Diamond started knocking on the door. "are you ready?" she asked opening the door. "yeah let's go" I said taking my phone off the charger and standing up.

~skip car ride~

We pulled into the driveway of this house and it looked huge. There were a couple cars here but not too many. We came a little early because Corinna wanted us to meet her friends.

We walked up to the door and I knocked on it. The door opened and I saw Corinna. "Hey Loves" she said hugging me and then Diamond. "hey" I said smiling at her. "okay come on I got people for you to meet" She said walking into the house. Me and Diamond walked into the living room and saw two girls sitting on a white couch.

"come sit" Corinna said patting the spot next to her. We both sat down and I looked around at them. "okay so that's Natalie and Kristen" she said pointing at the two girls. One girl was pretty and had dark straight hair, pretty dark eyes and a cute body. The girl next to her Kristen had wavy dirty blonde hair and beautiful eyes.

"Hi i'm Luna" I said smiling at them. "And I'm Diamond" Diamond said smiling and giving them a small wave. We eventually got comfortable with each other and started talking. We ended up getting pretty close to them.

"you're so pretty" Natalie said smiling at me. "oh thank you so much" I said smiling at her. "Diamond you wanna help me set up the kitchen?" Kristen asked standing up. "sure" Diamond said following her into the kitchen. "so who's house is this?" I asked confused "our friend David's" Natalie said as I nodded. "he's not here now but will be later" Corinna said as I nodded.

"let all go take pictures in the backyard" Corinna said as I smiled "oh my god yes" Natalie said as I laughed. We all walked to the backyard and started taking pictures.

"yes you guys are cute" Corinna said taking a picture of me and Natalie. "what's up fuckers" I heard someone say as I directed my attention to the door. I saw a guy who looked a little buff he had tattoos, whiteish hair and a ginger beard. The guy next to him was pretty cute he had blackish brown long hair, really dark brown eyes and he was wearing all black.

"shut up" Corinna said as me and Natalie stood up and walked over to Corinna. "oh Luna this is my friend Scotty who dates Kristen" Corinna said as I smiled at him" "Hi" I said smiling at him. "and this is my friend and house owner David" Corinna said pointing at the attractive boy.

"Hi i'm Luna" I said to both of them but mostly david. David didn't say anything to me so Scotty said something. "Hi i'm scotty it's nice to meet you" he said as I smiled at him. "hey girls can you help us with something?" Kristen asked from the back door.

Natalie and Corinna walked over to her and I stood there. "well it was nice to meet you guys" I said smiling at them "bye David" I said waving at him and walking away.

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