6.0 | The roommates

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~Luna's POV~

I stepped out the shower and noticed my phone was ringing. I walked over to it and saw it was David. I answered it and put it up to my ear. "hey" I said walking back to the bathroom. "hey so you wanna hang out today?" he asked me as I started putting leggings on.

"sure when?" I asked as I put on a black t shirt. "in like an hour?" he asked as a question. "sure send me your address and i'll be over" I said wrapping my hair in the towel. "okay good see you then" he said "bye David" I said moving my phone "Bye" he said then I hung up.

~David's POV~

"Dom no smoking weed" I said throwing a pillow at him. "dude is this girl that important?" he said as I sprayed ferbreeze. "shut up" I said rolling my eyes. The front door to the apartment opened and I looked in the hallway and saw Jason and Josh walk in. "woah David cleaning what's the ocasion?" Jason said as they laughed and sat on the couch.

"some girl he likes is coming over" Alex said walking into the room. "okay no saying stuff like that when she's here" I said making them laugh. "I'm just glad you're finally getting over Liza" Alex said as Josh nodded. "I love Liza but I need to move on from her" I said as my phone dinged.

I grabbed it and saw it was Luna saying she was here "I'm going to go get her be right back" I said walking to the door and opening it.

~Luna's POV~

"David!" I yelled his name making him turn his head to me he smiled when he saw me and I walked over to him. "Hey" he said as I hugged him "hey" I said as we pulled away. "okay before you meet my roommates just know they're embarrsing" he said as I laughed. We walked to the elevator and he opened it as we walked on.

"it's okay Diamond is emarssing to" I said as he shook his head. "No just wait till you meet them I'm sorry in advance" he said as I laughed. "I'm sure they're not that bad" I said as we walked off the elevator.

We walked to the end of the hallway and David opened a door as we walked inside. We walked to the end of the small hallway and I saw Josh, Jason and two new people sitting on the couch. One person was smoking out of a bong and the other guy was sitting on his phone.

"Dom what did I say?" David said to the guy that was smoking "oh shit sorry" he said laughing. David rolled his eyes and we walked over to the couch and sat down. "Hi I'm Alex and that's our pot head roommate Dom" The guy in the light blue shirt said to me making me laugh. "Hi I'm Luna" I said smiling at him.

"you are hot" Dom said smiling at me "Dom shut up" David said as Josh and Jason laughed. There was a knock at the door and Dom got up walking over to it "come in" he said opening the door. A girl walked in and she had long blonde hair "we can go in my room" Dom said as they walked into the other hallway.

"are you serious?" David said while laughing "is he sleeping with a girl?" Josh said as they looked in the hallway. "while everyones here?" I asked confused "he does this all the time" David said standing up and grabbing his camera.

David walked back over to me and sat down turning on his camera. "Okay guys so Dom just invited a girl over and were going to try to walk in on them" he said while laughing. "give it a minute she might not want clamiyda" Alex said making us laugh.

"see the thing you need to know about Dom is he's a sex manic, a pothead and asks to borrow money all the time" Josh said making us all laugh. "let's go" David said standing up I stood up along with Alex and we all walked to the hallway. David and I put our ears to the door and didn't hear anything.

"dude I think he's in your room" Alex said at the other door. "oh my god" I said laughing "are you fucking serious" David said laughing and walking to the door. He opened the door still recording and I saw them in the bed together. "Dom get up" David said walking to him and laughing. "she's been here for five mintues what the hell" I said to Alex making him laugh.


Josh went home, Jason went to get his kids, Alex was in his room and Dom was sitting at his computer doing something. Me and David were sitting on the couch talking "I can see why you said that about your roommates" I said making David laugh. "I'm glad you came over I like hanging out with you" David said as I smiled at him.

"I like hanging out with you to I'm really comfortable around you" I said as he nodded. "good because after the night at the party I hope you are" David said winking at me and making me blush a little. "shhh that's between us only" I said making him laugh "did you ever think about...you know us?" I said playing with my hands and looking down.

"It's just I have to talk to Liza before telling her I talk to someone" he said running his hands through his hair. "Okay that's understandable" I said nodding and still looking down. "hey" David said putting his hand on top of mine "I will talk to her it's just hard for me to move on after being in a relationship for so long" he said as I nodded. Him saying that to me did make me feel better I just wanted him to tell her so we can see what happens next you know.


"I'll walk you downstairs" David said standing up as I grabbed my keys. "okay" I said smiling at him we walked out his apartment and to the elevator. "you're so pretty" David said making me look up from my phone and smile. "you're even prettier when blushing" he said walking over to me. "you're cute when flirting" I said playing with his hair he leaned in and we kissed.

He grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. I lightly pulled on his hair as he moved down to my neck. The elevator dinged and the door opened making me and David move away from each other. Someone was standing there and me and David laughed as we walked off the elevator.

"I can get used to that" I said as we started laughing "thank you for coming over" he said as I leaned on my car. "thank you for inviting me" I said smiling at him "of course I'll see you soon" he said leaning down and kissing me really quick. "bye David" I said opening my door "bye Luna" he said then he turned around and walked away. I sat in my car for a second and smiled this boy was really something else and I was loving it.

 I sat in my car for a second and smiled this boy was really something else and I was loving it

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@lunasmith: we took this in a parking garage

liked by daviddobrik, diamondwhite and 1,938,397 others

@daviddobrik: and everyone was staring at us

@diamondwhite: YOU CUTE 😍😍😍

@corinnakopf: 😍😍😍😍

@fanaccount: so y'all hanging out now???

@zane: ooo you cute baby 😍😍😍

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