3.0 | Surprise

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I woke up and checked my phone and I saw that I had a missed text from david.

Dobrik 🤧

hey wyd today

nothing yet why?

you wanna come over and help me film a bit?

yeah same house as yesterday?

no i'll come get you again

okay what time

an hour?


I locked my phone and stood up walking to the bathroom. I took a shower and got out I walked to the mirror and did my hair putting it in a ponytail. I walked to my closet and changed into a black t shirt my dark washed jeans and my black high top vans.

I walked downstairs but knew diamond was at a photoshoot. My phone dinged and I looked at it seeing it was David. I walked outside and saw his tesla. I got in the passenger side and looked at him "hey" I said putting my seatbelt on. "you look nice" he said as I smiled at him "thank you" I said back.

"oh this is Jason" he said pointing in the back seat. "I didn't even realize you were there" I said laughing. "now you may be wondering why i'm friends with an old man" David said as we all laughed. "i'm Luna" I said looking at Jason "david has non stop been fucking talking about you" Jason said as I laughed.

"hopefully good things" I said looking at David who was blushing. "what's the bit?" I asked turning to David. "do you know who you're talking to" Jason said making me laugh. "he's probably going to do something with a 10 foot snake" Jason said making us all laugh.

"maybe I should watch your vlogs before I agree to hanging out with you" I said making David laugh and look at me. "it's okay I won't put a 10 foot snake on you" David said "yeah maybe a 9 foot" Jason said making us laugh.


We pulled into the driveway of a house I didn't recognize. "where are we?" I asked confused. "Todd's house" David said as I nodded. We all got out and walked to the door David opened the door and we all walked in. I saw Zane, Todd, Kristen and Scott all here.

"hey everyone" I said greeting them and sitting on the couch next to Todd. "hey baby" Zane said in a weird voice as I laughed. "okay so the news is" David said walking into another room with his camera on. "I got a new paintball gun" he said walking back in the room. "david!" Toddy yelled as him and Scott ran away.

"Luna you're new you wanna shoot them?" David asked pointing the camera at me. "who's house did I just enter?" I said making him laugh. I stood up and he handed the gun to me. "Jason, Scott come outside" David yelled as we walked to the back.

"when they come out start shooting them as much as you can" David said as I started laughing. "okay?" I said still laughing. They walked outside and I started shooting at both of them making them run. I clicked the gun and no more came out. David laughed running over to them.

"I fucking hate you" Jason yelled as he was laying on the ground. I laughed as David lifted up his shirt seeing all the red dots. "oh my god i'm so sorry" I said looking at them. "it's okay it was for the vlog" Scott said making me laugh.


Me, David, and Jason we're chilling in the living room and I was sitting next to David. "Luna" Zane said walking into the room. "yeah" I said moving my head to him. "wanna do coffee talk with me Heath and Matt" he asked as I looked at him confused.

"I don't know what that is or who matt is but sure" I said standing up. "Bye Jason Bye David" I said waving at them. "Bye" Jason said "Bye Luna" David said as we opened the door and walked out.

~David's POV~

"Dude you like her" Jason said as I turned my head to him "what no?" I said looking at him confused and back down to my phone. "yes you do I see that way you look at her" Jason said as I rolled my eyes. "I met her last night how could I like her" I said as he shrugged and slouched back down. "Whatever but you could have a crush on her or something" Jason said. Maybe I think she's a little cute when she laughs and smiles and her amazing voice when she talks but that doesn't mean I like her.

~Luna's POV~ 

Heath picked us up in his car and we were on our way to go get Matt. "Coffee talk is when we basically get Coffee and talk" Zane said making us laugh. "Simple enough" I said from the backseat. We pulled into a driveway and a guy walked out of the house. He was tall, skinny, white skin, blonde hair and wore glasses. 

"Matt!" Zane yelled unrolling the window making Matt look up and smile at him. Matt got in the backseat and looked at me. "Well Hello I'm Matt" he said smiling at me "Hi I'm Luna" I said returning the smile. 

"Okay enough talking and let's start record talking" Zane said turning on his camera. "that made no sense" Heath said as we laughed. "hey guys we doing coffee talk today!" Zane said into the camera. "and we got a special guest we got not only Matt but our new friend Luna" Zane said pointing the camera on me. 

"how are you liking everyone so far?" Heath asked me as Zane moved the camera back. "So far everyone is really nice and welcoming which is good because I'm super fucking awkward" I said making them laugh. "Well if you're nice to us we'll be nice back" Zane said as I nodded. "Now if you cross us" Matt said in a weird voice making us all laugh. 


We walked back into the house holding coffee and I saw Jason, Scott, Kristen and a new girl sitting on the couch. The new girl was cute and she turned her head to look at me. "Oh you must be Luna I'm Trisha" she said smiling at me. "Hey" I said smiling back "aw you're so cute no wonder David-" "Trisha" Jason said cutting her off. I smiled and looked back at her "thank you" I said. 

"Luna what took forever" David yelled walking into the room. "Coffee talk baby" I said as he laughed "don't start talking like Zane and Heath" he said making me laugh. "now I have a surprise for you and I have to blindfold you" he said pulling out his camera and recording. 

"no don't do it" Jason said as I looked at David confused "what the hell?" I said confused making David laugh. "Luna this is when he puts that 10 foot snake on you" Jason said making everyone laugh. "no it's good I promise" David said walking to the back of me and putting the blindfold on. 

"now lay on the ground" he said trying to hold back laughter "I'm scared now like what the fuck" I said getting on the ground. I felt something on my stomach and I reached my hand out to feel someones stomach. "what the hell" I said pulling my hand back and making David laugh. "take it off" he said as I pulled the blindfold off. 

"It's Josh Peck!" David yelled as I laughed and Josh got off of me helping me up. "What a fucking way to meet someone" I said making them laugh. "Hi I'm Luna" I said hugging him. "I'm Josh" he said back. "David told me about the surprise and was like okay I'm gonna have you sit on her lap like what?" Josh said making me laugh. 


"Thank you for taking me home" I said turning my head to David "of course I mean I got you I have to take you home" he said as I smiled. "I had fun with everyone there all super nice" I said as he nodded "yeah I love my friends" he said making me smile. "I'll see you later" I said getting out the car. "bye Luna" he said to me "Bye Dobrik" I said walking away and hearing him laugh. 

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