25.0 | Vegas

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"Luna perché non puoi restare più a lungo" (Luna why can't you stay longer) my mother said while me and David were standing by the door. "Sai che devo tornare al lavoro se potessi restare, lo farei" (you know I have to go back to work if I could stay I would) I said holding her hands. "ti amo" she said hugging her "ti amo" I said hugging her back (I love you).

"come back to visit soon" she said to me and David. "we will mama" I said to her smiling. "call us more" my dad said hugging me and making me laugh. "I will I love you guys" I said talking to my whole family. "bye guys" David said waving at everyone.


We landed in L.A. and walked off the plane. It was just me and David because Harper and Diamond were gonna stay there for longer. We walked outside of LAX and I saw Corinna. I ran up to her and hugged her. "I missed you bitch" she said hugging me "I missed you to" I said as we pulled away.


I got the the guys house and parked my car apparently David and Toddy had a surprise for us. I walked into their house and everyone was sitting around talking. I walked over and sat down next to Corinna and David. "what's the surprise?" I asked david confused "road trip" he said standing up as I looked at him confused.

"guys were gonna go on a road trip to Las Vegas" David said as people yelled. "when?" Corinna asked "we're leaving tonight" David said "everyone meet her at 7" David said as people nodded.


I grabbed my duffle bag and walked outside where I saw David leaning on his tesla. "you excited for this four hour ride?" he asked as I walked over to him. "I'm excited to sleep the whole time" I said making him laugh. He leaned in and kissed me and grabbed my bag pulling away. "I could've done that" I said laughing "I got it" he said walking to his trunk.

Once we got to the boys house everyone paired up in cars. In David's car was him, me, Corinna, Toddy, Jason and Trisha. David stared driving and I leaned the seat back and put a blanket over me.

My eyes jolted open when I heard screeching. The car was spinning and the brakes were slammed on. "David what the hell" I heard Jason say. "I'm sorry I fell asleep" David said gripping the wheel.

"Babe" I said making him look over at me. "you need to sleep I can drive" I said as he shook his head. "no it's fine" he said as I shook my head.

"David really pull over you gotta sleep and it's safer" Jason said as he nodded his head. "okay" he said pulling his car over we switched seats and I started driving. I looked over at David and he had his eyes closed.


We got to the hotel and I looked at my phone to see it was 11 at night. "who's ready to get fucked up" Todd said as we walked into the hotel. "shhh everyone's looking at us" I said as we walked into the elevator.

"okay everyone get settled then we meet outside to leave" Jason said as we nodded. The elevator door opened and we all walked off. Me and David opened the hotel room and we walked inside. "holy shit" I said as we looked around "did you pay for this?" I asked David. "if I say yes will you argue with me?" David said as I laughed.

"I hate when you buy all this nice shit" I said setting my bag on the bed. "come on let's go" he said reaching his hand out I grabbed it and stood up.


We walked into the club and immediately everyone split up. "are you drinking tonight?" I asked David as we walked through the club. "maybe one or two" he said as I nodded "I'll join you then" I said as we walked to the bar. "god I'm gonna regret this later" David said as we both laughed.


We were all still at the club and everyone was drunk except David he wasn't drinking. I went to the bathroom and started walking back to David. "damn girl you're thick" someone said grabbing my butt. "woah" I said turning around to the random guy. "I have a boyfriend" I said as he didn't let go "he doesn't have to know" he said as I shook my head. "he's gonna know cause I'm gonna tell him" I said walking away.

"David" I said sitting down next to him again. "some guy just grabbed my ass" I said as he looked at me confused. "who was it?" he said looking around "I don't know some random dude" I said as he looked back at me. "are you okay" he asked me holding my hand. "yeah I like how overprotective you got" I said making him smile. "of course" he said smiling at me.

When we got back to the hotel I was pretty drunk. David said he was gonna drunk but ended up being the DD. "you guys are so drunk" David said laughing and filming me and Zane. "I'm so hungry" I said as we got onto the elevator. "I want pizza" Zane said making David laugh.

"come on I'll take you guys to your room" David said leading us off the elevator. "you're such a good friend" Zane said as David opened the door hotel room door. "thank you" Zane said walking into the room "no Zane this is our room" David said laughing.

"I just wanna take a shower" Zane said walking into the bathroom. "Zane get out" I said making David laugh. "Zane no" David said as Zane got in the tub. "oh shit this isn't my room" he said as David laughed.

Zane got out of the tub and walked outside the room "I'm gonna make sure he gets to his room" David said as I nodded. The door shut and I walked over to the bed. I turned down the lights leaving them moody and I took off my pants and shirt. I grabbed one of David's shirt and put in on over me.

The front door opened and I heard him lock it. "David" I said turning around the corner. "oh damn" he said in a raspy voice. "when in Vegas" I said putting my hands up as he walked over to me. "damn right" he said grabbing my waist and picking me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he connected our lips. He walked over to the bed and laid me down.

@lunasmith: Vegas is pretty fun

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@lunasmith: Vegas is pretty fun

liked by daviddobrik, zane and 1,398,397 others

@diamondwhite: wtf i wanna go

@zane: i like drunk luna she's fun

@fanaccount: girl you cute as shit

@randomaacount: you guys are always doing something

@corinnakopf: lmfao same @zane

@daviddobrik: even though we almost died it's still pretty fun

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