1. Slow down !

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"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Port Angeles' airport. Please clear the way and retrieve your luggages as soon as possible. Thank you." the bored air hostess' voice says through the speakers of the airport as the passengers of the plane leave.

I hold on tightly to William's hand, fearing that he might run away and get lost. He keeps tugging on my hand though, which forces me to walk faster than I usually do. We walk through the crowd while pushing people slightly, until we finally reach our luggages. As I take both of them, William scares me off by shouting. "Come on Alex, hurry up !"

"Wow, slow down monster ! You aren't the one taking everything !" I groan while walking with him towards the EXIT door.

As we step out of the airport, I breath in and the sweet air of September fills my lungs. I look around in search for someone who might resemble to my uncle. I've only seen him once, when I was little, and in pictures that mom had. William chooses to annoy me by making noises with his mouth.

I resist the urge to yell at him, but the fact that he keeps looking at me with his knowing eyes is disturbing. "Will !" I snap. "You better stop or I swear you won't have any candies for the rest of the week." I say, warning him.

"Okay." he mumbles, noticing my angry tone. I sigh, knowing I scared him a bit. But after spending half a day in a plane, my nerves are sensitive.

"Let's look out for anyone who's named Billy Black or anyone who looks like him. It's a game, first one gets to chose a dare for the other." I say, kneeling so that I'm facing him directly.

"Sure !" he shouts, instantly killing my ears. We stare at people, we watch them and they must think we're creeps. My little brother and I wait for what seems like hours and just when I'm beginning to think our uncle has forgotten about us, I hear a car honking. Raising my head up, I find a tall boy getting out of a truck and heading confidently towards us. He seems 16 years old, my age, he has long raven hair and a tan skin. He stops near us, smiles and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Aren't you Alexandra and William Cooper ?" he asks, greeting us, his hand stretched out for a handshake. I look at his outstretched hand, and then back at his eyes. They are a rich brown color, making it seems as if melted chocolate were captured in his eyes. I blink to stop the illusion and frown.

"I'm sorry, but my mother has often told me not to speak with strangers. So, not to be rude, but who are you ?" I ask, waiting for him to freak out and to run away. But his smiles just gets bigger.

"I'm your cousin, Jacob Black. And my father, Billy Black, is waiting for you in the car." he motions to the truck he got out from. "We were supposed to pick you guys up thirty minutes before, but there was a traffic jam, so..." he suggests the end of the story. That doesn't reassure me at all.

"How do I know you're not lying ?" I ask while pushing William behind me in a protective movement.

"You could trust me, or you could just sleep here tonight. Your choice." he says half-jokingly, as if he might actually leave us here. I decide to take the 10% risk he is a kidnapper and I follow him as he walks away.

"Do you need some help with those ?" he proposes, gesturing to the luggages. I shake my head. I can take care of our belongings by myself, I don't need help.

As we arrive to the truck, he opens the trunk, I put the luggages in and we all enter the car. I put my seat belt on and then only do I look at the men sitting up front. He seems old enough to be my mother's older brother and Jacob's father, so I assume it's Uncle Billy. He also is staring at me weirdly, like he is looking at a ghost.

"Hi Uncle Billy." I start, waving awkwardly.

"Hello, Alexandra. I could say you look just like my sister." he tells me, nostalgically. I'm confused for a moment as no one ever tells me that. Everyone says that Cory and William took on her side, and I on dad's.

"You have her smile." he finally explains, his sad eyes piercing through my soul.

"Thank you Uncle Billy." I wiggle on my seat from nervousness.

"Nonsense child, you can call me Billy. Same for you here little guy !" he tells William and I while Jacob pulls out of the parking lot.

I lean back in my seat and close my eyes. We are off to La Push, where mom spent her childhood. The truck's movement makes me sleepy and all I can think of is a comfortable bed to sleep in. My eyelids close without me noticing and the last thing I hear is William's laugh, making my heart soften.

So, let's say this fan fiction is a first try towards writing. I'll try to make it better and better, so if you see a new title, it means I edited it. This one is edited, so hope you liked it ! :)

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be ?

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PS : Thanks to the silent readers, to those who voted and added this story to their reading list. It's because of you guys that I want to write, and why I want to make this story better ! You're the best !

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