21. You Jerk !

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The end of December passed rather quickly. Christmas was celebrated with less happiness than usual, at least for Jacob. William didn't want to open his presents, he kept crying and asking for our parents. Eventually, he calmed down, didn't say another word and got his presents.

As for me, I wasn't happy. Sure, I love that time for year, but there were so much complications... I didn't feel like celebrating. I got tons of books, an ITunes card for some songs and clothes.

Jacob doesn't hang out with Quil or Kate or me. He's always with Bella, he's only cares about Bella. For example, he went to the cinema with her yesterday. I've been trying since the beginning of the week to ask him to go see the movie with me. I mean, I saw the trailer and it seemed awesome ! He didn't even answer me, he just ignored me.

Quil agrees with me and it's even worse for him : at least I've got Kate while he is all alone.


"I don't know why : I've taken the pills, payed attention to what I was eating ! Why are you telling me that I may be doing a relapse into something I've fought ?!" I ask to Dr. Stevens, tears streaming down my face.

"Sweetie, we don't know. I've contacted Dr. Cullen, but he doesn't answer lately. It seems the tumor is growing back, and fast." she says as she gently takes my hands.

"Leave me alone !" I scream, taking my hands out of hers. "I can't... I won't..." I sob incoherently.

I've been throwing blood these past few days. Lots of it. Billy was worried, so he forced me to come to the hospital before the next appointment. He had to leave me alone with her because there was some problem with Jacob.

"You will have to come every two day at the hospital to do some analysis. I'll give you new pills, you'll have a device which will able you to call 911 directly in case things go bad while you're at home." she explains and I just stare at her, nodding.

What else can I do ? I won't tell Billy it's that important, it'll just make him more worried.


Lying on my bed, I listen to music. I close my eyes and breath deeply. Here comes another nausea. I bend over and cough in the bowl Billy put next to my bed. Blood drips out of my mouth, its metallic taste staying in my mouth. I take the bottle of water, drink a little and choke. I cough again.

Laying my head on my pillow, I hear Jake moving wildly in his room. I frown, not liking the noise of it. I go to his room, open his door and see him sitting on the floor of his room, his head in his hands. He looks kinda mad. He groans and moves his head against the floor, hitting it numerous times.

The noise of his skull hitting the hard floor is what makes me move. "Jake !" I say as I hurry to his side. "Are you okay ?!" I ask worried, checking his head. He only groans, almost a growl. "Stay here. I'm getting Uncle Billy." I advise him before running downstairs.

"Uncle Billy !" I yell when I reach him.

"Alexandra ? What is going on ?" he asks, looking at me.

"Jacob is upstairs in his room and... well, let's say he's not well." I say hurriedly. "What do we do ?"

"Get him and take him outside to the car." he tells me, rolling to the phone.

I nod and go back upstairs. I try lifting Jake, and he seems to get what I'm doing because he lets himself go. I stumble in the stairs, almost falling. I cough and blood drips. I curse, cleaning the side of my mouth with my sleeve. Arriving to the car, I put him in the back and help Uncle Billy with the driver seat.

"Keep William. I'm going to the hospital and I shouldn't be long." he tells me as he starts the engine.

" 'Kay." I mumble, biting my bottom lip.

I stare at the truck, coughing a bit. It's cold outside, but I feel as if someone has lit me on fire.


I haven't seen my cousin in four days. William is sick and I have to watch him. Bella is crazy and I have to deal with her. Billy doesn't worry and I'm scared. I mean, his son just disappeared and he doesn't do anything about it ?

It's Saturday and I feel worse than ever before. I went to the hospital yesterday, still the same : the tumor is growing and nothing seems to stop its growth. Dr. Stevens said that she would operate next month if it continues like that, with or without Dr. Cullen's word.

I take out my boots, my huge coat and a fluffy blue scarf. I can't stay in this house anymore, I have to go out. I slip outside and head to the beach. I need to walk a bit, alone.

When I arrive, I see a group of boys standing near a rock with a girl next to them. I approach them and just as I pass them, I hear a voice I know all too well.

"I have called you everyday and nothing ! It's Alexandra who answers and I don't have anything about you ! I was so right, she was hiding things from me !" Bella tempers.

I raise my head quickly and almost fall over when I see Jacob. I can't believe it. He's with Sam Uley, Jared, Embry and Paul. I go in front of Bella and punch him.

"You jerk !" I yell, hitting him some more. "What. Are. You. Doing. With. Them." I snap, hitting him at every word. Without a word, he shoves me aside and I scoff.

"Are you for real Jacob ?!" I shout. "I've been worried non-stop for you and then I discover you're..." I choke, stopping in the middle of my sentence.

I cough, again and again and bend over, spitting blood on the sand. I feel the word falling on me, I feel someone grabbing my arm and saying things, but I faint before I can understand the words.


Hi guys ! :) I checked on my story and saw 1k reads. I was like 'What !' I didn't plan to upload before the weekend, and then I saw the amount of reads. Thank you so much for reading this story ! Thank you to those who voted on chapters and followed me !

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