20. He Joined Sam's Gang

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"Katherine Aïsha Jurash. We are going to the campfire, whether you like it or not !" I shout, entering her room. "Come on ! It's my first one ! Don't want to miss it !" I sing-song.

Only then do I notice Embry. He is sitting on her bed, his face only one inch to her's. I narrow my eyes and approach them. They both blush and separate, which only makes me more suspicious.

"Get out Embry." I tell him as he scrambles out. "What was that about ?" I ask Kate.

"No-nothing. He had questions concerning a... a math problem !" she says, playing with her hands and refusing to look me in the eye.

"Ah." I hum. "Let's get you ready for the campfire tonight !" I look at the clothes inside her dressing and frown. She has tons of clothes, it might be hard to find the perfect one which will seduce Embry tonight.

"I'm good." she tries convincing me. I shake my head and smile evilly at her.

"We have to find a cute outfit for you so that you can seduce Embry." I drop the bomb, gauging her reaction.

She opens her mouth to deny, clothes it, opens it... it goes on like that for a few more times. I was so right !

"How about some jeans and a cute jumper ? Oh, the red one is perfect !" I say, tossing some clothes to her.


"Do you think he'll notice me ?" she asks nervously. She looks around fervently, waiting for him to appear magically.

"When he sees you, I promise he'll go all crazy for you." I reassure her. "I mean, you are really pretty in that outfit ! Don't worry."

All the elders are already seated next to the fire and all the others are standing up, waiting for the tales to begin. Billy told me it was kind of a ritual at the Rez.

Glancing around, I see Jacob and Quil and... Bella ? What the hell is she doing here ? She doesn't even live here ? Jake must have invited her... I sigh internally, thinking how my cousin is in deep love with that girl, the one who can't seem to forget Edward.

"Oh my spirits ! Look over there !" Kate says, showing me a group of people. I turn around and see three boys, all tall with muscles. I squint my eyes, not believing what I see.

"Is this the 'gang' you told me about ?" I ask Kate, still looking at them.

She nods. "Look, there's even Paul." she says, shaking her head. "I still can't wrap my head around what happened. It was so strange : one day he's normal with his idiotic friends and the other... he's with them." she spats the words, clearly disgusted.

As I stare more, I distinguish Paul from the others. He has a cold face, he somehow seems taller than last year. I forgot it has been less than a year since I last saw him. He has changed so much, he actually seem older than 18 years old.

I look at the two other people. I remember Jared from seeing him walking in the halls at school : like Paul, he seems to have changed, a lot. The last one must be their leader, Sam Uley. Even though I don't know him, I despise him : he left Leah for her cousin. She has been so broken since he broke up with her.

"Alex ! Paul was staring at you." Katherine whispers in my ear and I sigh. I don't want to talk to that moron, especially after what happened last time in the woods : he had been so rude, thinking Embry was my boyfriend, when clearly, he's interested by Kate.

"Is that your uncle with them ?" my friends demands in a surprised voice. I immediately turn around to see if she's right.

Billy is talking with them.

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