48. So Damn Grateful

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I look at my brother, the one who is supposed to be dead, and my mouth opens wide. 

"I-uh-you-whaaaaat ?" I stutter with difficulty. 

"Yes, I'm alive." he shrugs. "Well, more or less. I'm a vampire, so I can't say I'm really human." Cory adds while my chin starts trembling.

I want to ask a billion questions, but he stops me by asking a very weird thing.

"Are you immune to fire or what ? You haven't been screaming, which you should've have done by now." he states and I look down.

The fire is sticking on my foot, but now that Cory mentions it, I don't feel anything. I don't feel the numbness, the pain or anything at all.

I suddenly get a strange feeling in my stomach and my eyes roll back.


"I know, my daughter could be the one ! I know that, Billy ! That's why I'm trying to do my damn best to help her ! That's why I'm going after those vampires : not only do they kill innocent, but if they knew about her power and how it could kill their whole coven, they would chase her personally and kill her !" Mom shouts at Billy.

"Calm down, Jane !"

"No, I won't ! She has a fire inside her, and it could eat her one day if we don't trigger it ! We have to help Alexandra, Billy !" she pleads him and he can't resist, as he nods weakly.

"Send her to me when she turns seventeen and I'll do whatever is in my power to awaken her." he tells her.


"Mama !" a five year old me screams, running into the living room where my mother is reading a book. 

I show her my red hand while screaming and crying and her eyes widen considerably.

"What did you do, Alexandra ?" she asks me panicked, getting up and holding my hand with caution.

"I wanted to wash my hands, but it was very hot !" I cry and she shakes her head.

"Sweety, your hand is fine." she says and I look down.

My hand is not like before : it seems normal, not red.

"I swear, Mama, it hurt ! And it was reeeed !" I tell her, making Mom shake her head.

"Sometimes, we are so afraid that we invent things. Your hand is fine." she snaps while I wonder what I did to annoy her. 


I gasp brusquely and fall from Cory's arms. 

"I have a fire inside me..." I say and he must think I'm crazy because he whistles. 

"I knew the smoke would get you high !" Cory replies to my weird statement and I shake my head in disapproval.

"Shut up ! I had a vision and Mom said it !" I retorque and he raises his hands in defense.

I groan when a pounding headache comes. I put my forehead on the ground, balling my hands and close my eyes, hard.

"Are you okay ?" Cory asks me, but his voice sounds so far away that I don't answer back.

I feel something coming from inside me, like a burning fire.

I get back up and when I stare at the fire who is slowly destroying the house, I sense that it's trying to... 'talk' to me ?

"Hey, Alex... I don't want to worry you, but the fire is kind of coming towards you and honestly, as your brother, I wouldn't want you to burn alive. So, let's hurry out of this house, no ?" Cory tells me as I watch the scene unfold.

The fire is sliding towards me and I raise my hand while walking to it.

"There it is : the moment she goes completely cray-cray." Cory says, but I ignore him.

I hesitate for a moment, before putting my hand in the fire.

"Well, if you lose your hand, don't cry on me." he adds.

I don't feel the fire burning my hand, but I feel it tickling my hand and I giggle. I move my hand upwards and the fire moves with it.


I turn around and I look at my brother. Paul told me about vampires, especially newborns : they are very thirsty, but Cory doesn't seem like that.

"How did you find me ?" I ask him.

He looks taken by and brushes his hair back. He looks different from last time I saw him, in the car. His eyes are like a vampire's, his skin is snow and he looks taller and more muscular.

"Who transformed you ?" I add.

"Let's get out of this hell and I'll tell you everything you want to know." he says.


I cough a lot as we walk through the woods. A ball of fire stays in my hand, though I try getting rid of it. Not in the forest of course.

Cory stays very silent, probably hoping that I will forget to question him.

"Where are my answers ?" I ask coldly.

I know, I should be jumping in his arms and cry. I want to do that, but I have to be sure he's really here and not an illusion.

"I remember what happened in the car accident, I know I blacked out but I woke up later and I..."

"Cory." I cut him off. "You. Were. Fucking. Dead !" I scream, tears finally coming out of my eyes. "I saw your dead eyes, how you weren't moving, hell, they told me you were dead, in front of Will !" I cry.

"Alex... I remembered what happened. The man who transformed me was very nice with me, he protected me from myself, he helped gain control, all of that so that I could see you and William after." he explains and I choke.

"Why did that vampire transform you and not Mom or Dad ?! You were all dead ! He brought you back from the dead, Cory !"

"No, he didn't. The doctors said I was dead, because my health was in such a bad shape that I should've died normally. They didn't want you to have hope, because my case was hopeless." he says and I put a hand on my mouth to hold back some hiccups.

He takes me in his arms and I sob, holding him with all my might. My sadness must have washed all fire from my hand, I don't have it anymore. 

I'm so damn grateful to whomever brought my brother back. So damn grateful.

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