17. Things Are Going Back To Normal

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After discovering that my hair was growing back, I decided to go see Dr. Cullen to see what he thought of it. He checked if there was anything abnormal with me but saw nothing. He said it was a rapid hair growth which was due to the numerous chemicals I was exposed to during my treatment.

I went over to Sue's house this morning, thinking it was time for me to meet her children. She pushed the door open and engulfed me in a tight hug, my breath immediately was cut short by that.

"How are you doing, sweetie ?" she asks, pushing my hair back and looking at me worriedly. I gently get her arms off me and smile softly.

"I'm fine. Look, my hair even started to grow back !" I say excitedly while showing her my head.

"That's fantastic ! Enter, come on in !" she tells me. I do as she says and when I enter the house, I can hear screams and running.

"Oh." Sue sighs. "That must be Leah. It's been a rather difficult year for her, but I presume you already know why." I nod sheepishly and follow her.

"Here is Seth, my little boy." she says while entering a room which seems is the living room. I see a teenager who might be fifteen, sixteen.

"Hi ! You must be Alexandra !" he tells me, shaking my hand and showing a wide genuine smile.

"And you are Seth ! Nice to meet you."

"Sorry for my older sister, Leah. She just got into another fight with Dad and she stormed into her room... Again." he explains to me.

"Why don't you go talk to her Alexandra ?" Sue proposes. "Second floor, first door to your right." I don't want to refuse so I walk upstairs.

I knock on the door and wait for an answer. "If it's fucking Seth, you better get the hell out of here !" she yells. I take that as an 'Enter.'

"Didn't you listen to me, you brat ? I said get the hell out !" she shouts as she turns around. She stops when she sees me and narrows her eyes at me. "Who the heck are you ?" she asks, kind of accusingly.

"I know your Mom and she said to me to come over to meet you and Seth, so here I am." I shrug my shoulders, faking nonchalance.

She approaches me and glares at me, waiting for a reaction. I stay emotionless, only staring back. "Okay. Let's go and play poker." she says while getting out of her room.

I stay in her room for a few seconds before going downstairs, afraid of what she'll do. Seth is already giving the cards and Leah is sitting, cross-armed. I sit at her right and wait for Seth to start. I am not the best at poker, but I can manage.

The game continues until I stop, not able to continue. I stare at the siblings while they play. From thirty minutes with them, I can say Leah is like a fireball, ready to burst at any instant, and Seth is the cheerful one of the family.

I snap out of my daydream when I hear them arguing rather loudly. "Cut it out ! I won, you lost !" Leah says to her brother, throwing her cards at him.

"No ! You cheated ! I saw you get a card from under the table ! So... I win !" he tells her, looking under the table to see if there are anymore cards to prove his point.

"Alex ! Tell this jackass I'm the winner !" Leah says as she loos at me, winking to tell me to follow her lead.

"It's not fair Lee ! You cheated !" Seth states, pleading me with his puppy eyes.

"Let's do a last one and I get to say who the winner is !" I say, trying to please them both. Leah gives me the stink eye and Seth sighs. They both grunt, but agree.

I smile at them and give the cards, waiting for them to start. Maybe we will be friends at the end.


"I think Alexandra is doing just fine. The tumor hasn't grown, but it hasn't disappeared. Our best men are on this and are trying to find a new cure for her. The last resource would be to operate her, but it would be the last solution, I promise." Dr. Cullen says with a bright smile, although I think the brightness comes from his teeth.

"Great." Billy says. "Thank you... for her." he states with a tight smile. As we leave, Billy puts a hand on my arm and pats it softly.


"I've been thinking Alexandra. Would you like to go back to school ?" Billy says while looking at the television. I'm sitting next to him, tranquilly eating some cookies.

I choke on them. "Going back to the Rez ?" I ask, my eyes widening in anticipation. That would mean questions, and honestly I would rather avoid them.

"Not the Rez, Forks High School. In town." he tells me, his eyes still fixed on the match.

"That would be a change, but it might be great. Did Dr. Cullen say if it was fine ?" I demand.

"He is actually the one who proposed this to me because he has his own children at this school. He assured me that they could warn him if anything happened with you, while at the Rez, it would be more complicated." Billy explains.

"I... yes ! I would love going back to school with human beings !" I shout, jumping off the couch in excitement.

"Okay. I'll call the school to see if they can still take you in. After all, it's quite late." he tells me. I take my phone before rushing upstairs to call Kate.

I can't believe things are going back to normal !

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