14. The Fairy Can Come And Heal You

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"You just left us like that, girl !" Katherine yells in my ear on Tuesday. "I can't believe what you told us, damn !" she continues whisper-yelling.

I sigh, knowing I'm going to hear that all day long. "Sorry..." I try saying in-between her ranting.

Somehow, she listens to me. "You're sorry ?! No, I'm the one who's sorry ! I mean... you have cancer and all..." she whispers at me the last part.

"Don't worry. I saw the doctor yesterday and there's a good chance of me staying alive. I'll probably be able to celebrate my 17th birthday !"

"Ha ha ha. Your birthday is next month, on the 20th of March. Expect a gigantic party !" she screams, making a few people turn around and look at her strangely.

I stifle a laugh and take her arm, walking to our first class.


After school, I borrow Jacob's truck and head over to the hospital. I patiently wait in the waiting room for Dr. Cullen to come. Billy was furious to learn he was my doctor, he even tried to make me change. But I refused, saying that I didn't want anyone else to know about my condition and that I heard he was the best doctor in town.


"I'll give you medicine. Three per day, one for each meal." Dr. Cullen says while giving me a little bag. "You'll come to the hospital each Monday so that we can give you the chemo. You do know you will lose your hair, some weight and will feel depressed ?" he asks cautiously.

I nod. "Yep. Don't worry, I'll eat a lot and look at F.R.I.E.N.D.S. That will cheer me up !" I joke before shutting up.

He smiles and cleans up his desk. "Great ! See you next week !"


"Billy ! What do you mean by 'dropping out of school' ?" I ask brusquely. "There's no way that I'm going to stop going to school at 16, almost 17 ! I want to go to college and if I don't finish school and pass the exams, my life will be ruined !"

"Your life will also be ruined if you don't treat the cancer properly ! I talked to Dr. Cullen and he said that it would be best for you to relax and take home school. That way, I can be near you if you need help, you won't have all the noise from school and you will be in a safer environment." he tells me seriously.

"So now you 'talked' to Dr. Cullen when yesterday you couldn't stand him ? What happened ? Did you eat something that changed your point of view ? Maybe the fish, the one you got from a week ago and that we ate only on Sunday, changed your mind." I say sarcastically, not believing in his change of mind.

He massages his temples and sighs before approaching me. I sit on the couch as he comes near me. "I just want what's best for you. We don't know how the tumor appeared suddenly, but it's new. I want to help you, Alexandra."

"I know. Thanks for all of this Uncle Billy. Thanks for taking care of William and I. Let me finish this week at school and then I'll drop out." I promise to him, squeezing his small hand in comfort.


"William, I have to talk to you." I tell my little brother as I enter his room. "Remember when we went to the doctor ?" I ask.

"Yeah." he says, distracted by his toys. I kneel next to him and take his dinosaur : I immediately have his attention.

"Why did you do that ? Marc was going to kill Joe !" he tells me, pointing a red car.

"William Dean Cooper. Listen to me." I sigh. Mom always used to say his full name when he was in trouble. Of course, it's not the case here, but at least I have his full concentration.

"I'm sick." I finally say, waiting for his reaction.

"So ?" he asks, his eyebrows raised as he waits for a longer explanation.

"Like real sick. And I'm going to be sick for a long time." I say. "I have a bad disease in my body and the treatment is going to be long, so I'll be sad, angry and ugly for a long time. I just want you to know that whatever I tell or do, it's never going to be your fault. Okay ?"

"The fairy can come and heal you." he tells me very seriously. "I know she doesn't exists, after all I'm not 5 years old, but it's a metaphor. So if you think of good things, you'll be better." I laugh and hug him. I hope he'll keep his innocence forever.

"I don't think so Will... But all I want is that you stay the same with me. Okay ? Don't go around and act cautious with me. Stay the little monster you are." I tickle him.

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