29. I Hate This

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"I hate this !" I scream, throwing my pillow from my bed against the wall. "I hate, hate this !"

We're Friday and I'm at home, waiting for something to happen and to get me out of this boredom. Oh, wait ! I wouldn't be able to do anything because Billy locked me in my room !

I go to the window and open it. I'm seriously considering jumping from it. I prop my elbows on it and sigh. I've read all the books in my room, I've brushed my hair thousands of times, I've watched three hours of movies and eaten tons of candies. I didn't understand Rapunzel until today.

It's 8PM and when I look at the sun set, I am amazed. The colors of the tree at this hour are truly magical : they are green, but with a hint of orange and yellow. The sky is getting dark as the sun leaves. It's getting colder every minute, but I want to see the stars, so I stick my head out and wait.

A few minutes later, after a few sneezes and coughing, I see the first stars, twinkling in the sky. It's silent outside and I wonder if I might be able to sneak out without Billy noticing. I mean, being outside isn't going to kill me, right ?

I lift my right leg, then my left and hold on to the handle of the window. I didn't notice it before, but I'm quite far away from the ground...

Okay, it wasn't a good idea. Not at all ! I try going back to my room, but I slip and let go of one handle. I let out a cry and grasp the other handle with both hands, kicking my legs to try reaching the window.

But my legs are short and my hands are slipping. I hold on as long as I can, but my arms are sore and I want to cough badly...

"Hey." someone says on my left. I turn my face and scream when I see Paul. I let go the window's handle and fall.

He grabs my hand and lifts me up. I'm literally shaking, not from the cold, but near-death experience. He puts me in my room and enters by the window soon after me.

I rush my hand through my short hair and stop my teeth from shattering themselves. "Thanks." I tell him.

"No problem." he answers and looks around my room.

"What are you doing here ?" I ask him, crossing my arm to intimidate him and to stop them from trembling.

"I'm in charge of watching you. There are vampires around town, so I'm watching you."

"Who ordered you ? I mean, you aren't doing this in your free time, are you ?" I laugh awkwardly.

He seems about to say something, but he closes his mouth before.

"Was it Sam ? Billy ?"

"Sam ordered me for Billy. He's worried about you." Paul says and I sigh.

"It's not enough that I'm forced to stay in my room, but I have to be watched after, too ?" I scoff and want to open my door to tell Billy what I'm thinking. Of course, it's locked. I kick the door and I curse under my breath.

"Well, you're quite messy." Paul tells me as he walks around my room. "I mean, I'm pretty sure you threw this pillow and those clothes."

"You haven't stayed in your room two days, have you ?" I reply and take my clothes from the floor to their appropriate drawers.

"Actually, I did. Remember when I crossed you in the woods a few months ago ?"

"When you were acting like a jerk ? Ah, yes, I do remember." I say sarcastically. I put the pillow back on my bed and sit on it.

He stays in one corner and continues. "Well, I went back home, locked myself in my room and for three days, I transformed in a wolf. It was awful, I was constantly in pain and didn't have any food or water."

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