43. I Don't Want You Here

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"Alexandra !" Kate yells at me as soon as I get out of Jake's truck. She rushes over to me. "I have to tell you something, come on !" she continues, tugging my arm.

"I'm coming, I'm coming !" I tell her, laughing as she climbs the stairs two by two.

She closes the door brusquely, sits there and bursts into tears. I'm surprised by this, so I stay put, before kneeling next to her.

"What's going on, Kate ?" I ask her softly.

She hiccups and raises her head to look me in the eyes. "I slept with Embry." she admits, before putting her head back in her hands.

"Talk about honesty." I whisper to myself. "Well, you love Embry, don't you ?" I ask her and she nods. "Okay, so what if you guys did it ? He won't stop loving you. Wait, you guys were protected, right ?" I ask her and she nods once more.

I sigh in relief. Pregnancy isn't something I wanted Kate to deal with : she's only seventeen and still in school. It would've been a problem.

"See ! Nothing to worry about." I tug her arm and she lets out a small laugh.

"I know, but... what if he leaves me ?" she cries.

"He won't leave you, Kate. He imprinted on you, he only wants to make you happy. Also, he told me he was in love with you !" I tell her.

"Really ?" she asks with a small voice.

"Really." I smile.


"What should I pack, Alice ?" I ask her through the phone.

"Warm sweaters, warm socks, warm pants, anything warm !" she tells me. "Also, bring something to occupy yourself tonight : the lovebirds won't talk to you much, I'm afraid !" she jokes.

"Can I bring my phone ?"

"No, the newborns have decoupled senses : they would sense you have it and they would be suspicious." she states as I throw a few books in my backpack.

"Okay, thanks ! See you in an hour." I tell her before putting my phone away.

I search through my clothes for some warm socks and tuck them in the bag.

I look at the window and wonder if Paul even knows where I will be tomorrow or if he's doesn't give a shit. I shake my head and frown. I can't keep thinking of this idiot, I need to get over it. So what if I was sad that he left and that I had a hole in my heart ? It's not like if we were a couple...

Holy freaking shit. My eyes are wide open and my mouth is open. Oh. My. God. No, no, nope. This can't be happening. No way in hell. Never, ever going to happen. Won't happen. Nopey dopey.

I like Paul Lahote.


I smile at Edward and Bella. He smiles back while Bella ignores me rudely and starts talking with Jacob.

"Jacob, you can't stay up there ! You'll freeze to death !" I roll my eyes : could she stop with the noble act ?

"I'll stay to protect you for the night, Seth will be there tomorrow morning." he tells her, flexing a bit his muscles. Yes, he has no shirt on.

I mentally groan at that and slap my forehead. He doesn't get a hint, or is he just blind ?! Edward chuckles next to me.

"Oh, I forgot you can read minds. Better watch before I think." I mutter.

Yes, I am in a bad mood. After realizing my feelings, I had a small nap. I woke up and discovered I had my period. And it hurts like hell. Men who say it's nothing compared to being hit where the sun doesn't shine are assholes. I woke up in a puddle of blood, having cramps and in the future, I will maybe push a baby out of me. Do they want to compare ?

Edward keeps his chuckle back, but I can still see his grin. I glare at him.

"Jerk. Blood drinker. Leech." I mumble under my breath.

"I'll take Bella and you take Alex, okay ?" Jake says to Edward who holds his chin high.

"Edward, don't worry." Bella whispers to him as she approaches him. "I'll be fine, but be safe." she says before going on her toes and kissing him.

Did she have to kiss him like that in front of Jacob ? I see my cousin balling his fists, hard and I pity him.

"Let's go." he tells her as she finishes kissing Edward.


It's 11PM and it's cold. Like Antarctica cold. Like, I'm so cold that if I don't get one ounce of heat in the next ten minutes, I might die from it.

We're in the tent Edward built and Bella is in the same state as I am. Sleeping bags up to our chin, hair held down to get some protection, chattering teeth, pink nose and cheeks.

Edward stays away from us, trying to let us get the heat from the tent. It's pretty useless, honestly.

"C-could you l-leave, pl-please ?" I ask him, my teeth chattering.

"N-no ! He st-stays he-here !" Bella counters while glaring at me.

"Girl, d-do you w-want to freeze t-to death, or wh-what ?" I say, annoyed.

"H-he stays he-here." she tells me once again and I abandon.

She's set on annoying me, and she knows Edward won't leave unless she asks him to. I can't do anything about it, so I snuggle deeper in the sleeping bag and try to relax.

"Move." Jacob says to Edward, who puts himself in front of Bella protectively.

"What are you doing here, mutt ?" Edward demands.

"I can hear her teeth shattering from outside. Now, move if you want her to keep all of her toes." he retorts.

Jacob doesn't care about me, does he ? I'm his cousin, and he still doesn't think about me. It hurts, really deep.

"What about Alexandra ? Don't you care about her health ?" Edward says while I mentally applaud him.

"Her imprint is here for her. Get away." Jacob mutters as he moves towards Bella.

The cold is slowing my thoughts, because I only understand what's happening when someone lays next to me.

"I'm going to open the bag, you'll get warm faster." Paul tells me, doing so.

I blink rapidly and shake my head.

"N-no, n-o, no. I d-don't want you he-here." I say, but all my defenses fall when I feel heat.

Paul closes the bag, puts his arm over my body and brings me closer. I sigh in content when I feel every muscle relax, the cold being chased away by his body heat.

"H-how come you-you're so h-hot ?" I ask him, closing my eyes.

"Well, I guess the good looks are a major factor." he jokes and I hit his chest playfully.

I yawn and get comfy against his chest.

"I-I haven't f-forgotten what h-happened yes-yesterday." I mumble in his chest, before blacking out.

So, you've probably guessed it, I don't really like Bella... But hope you like it nonetheless !

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