37. Gillian Is Here

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I wake up and am greeted by Dr. Stevens' eyes looking in my own.

"She's awake !" she screeches and I groan at the noise. She giggles joyfully before stepping aside so that Billy can come next to me.

"How are you feeling, Alexandra ?" he asks me worriedly.

"P-peachy." I say with some difficulty. "So-sore thr-throat. Water, pl-please." I ask.

Dr. Stevens hands me a glass for water and I raise my arm to take it, but fail.

"Let me, please." she tells me and I sigh. She makes me drink a bit and I gulp it down rapidly. "Easy, here !" she chuckles. "You scared us : going into a coma, then waking up at night when I wasn't here, that was quite mean."

"Co-coma ?" I ask, panicking.

She clears her throat, guilty. "Dr. Cullen probably wanted to tell you by himself. Don't say I told you !" she mumbles and I have to hold my laugh back.

Speak of someone and he shall appear. Dr. Cullen comes in my room and smile at me.

"I see you are awake. That's good. Well, since Dr. Stevens can't hold back her tongue, you certainly know you were in a coma yesterday. Fortunately, you awoke last night before falling asleep."

"I don't remember last night. What happened ?" I ask.

"Someone was here with you and warned us."

"Billy, was it you ?" I say at my uncle who shakes his head.

"It was Paul Lahote." he admits and I freeze, the heart monitor going crazy at the same moment.

"Calm down, Alexandra. The nurses will think you're doing a panic attack." Dr. Stevens tells me.

Paul was here, with me. Paul.


"You'll have to stay here for a few nights, but then, you can go back home." Dr. Stevens tells me with a smile on her face. "There is no more tumor, but just to make sure everything's going fine, you'll have to come at the hospital twice per week. After three months, you'll come once per week, then twice a month and it goes on and on. Come visit me sometimes !" she jokes.

"Thank you so much for all the effort you and Dr. Cullen put in." I say, biting my bottom lip.

Today was overwhelming. I learned that I was in a coma, that Paul, whom I am the 'presumed' imprint was here, and that it was maybe because of him that I had woken up. Or so had Billy had told me.

"It's my job, sweetie. Don't worry, everything will be alright from now on." she swears as she leaves me alone.

It's 9PM and I'm alone in the hospital room. Billy had to go back home because there was some meeting with the whole pack concerning vampires.

I'm watching the TV when the door opens silently, but I still see it. I turn my head and squint my eyes to try to see something.

"Is there anyone ?" I ask like an idiot. As if the person was going to answer.

I stare a moment before shrugging. It must have been the wind or someone passing through who opened the door.

I look at the movie when I feel a cold wind next to me. I raise my head and try screaming when I see red eyes staring at me.

Try. Because a cold hand is keeping all noise coming from my mouth from alerting anyone.

"Shush." he says softly. "Don't say a word, human. Or there will be consequences."

I trash and probably open the stitches on my chest. His hand doesn't move and I need air. My eyes are starting to close and he finally lets me go. I gasp and hold my chest as it hurts like hell.

I pant, glancing at the same time at the person, a vampire.

"What do you want ?" I ask, my voice frail.

He chuckles like a psychopath and I shudder. "You'll soon know what I want. All you have to do for now is warn those mutts that I'm coming for what you have. For you. So, sleep tight, little girl. Gillian is here to sing some lullabies to you." he giggles and I take a sharp breath.

"Please, I don't know what you're talking about." I plead and he sneers, his teeth directed at me. I move my neck and cover it with my hair. Embry told me what to do in case I was with a vampire.

"Ask your uncle for the Papers your mother gave him. He'll know what I'm talking about." he tells me and disappears in the air.

I look around the room, but I don't see anything. He is gone.


"Alexandra ! Was there a vampire in this room or what ?" Embry asks when he comes in my room and I force a smile.

"Yeah. He just entered." I reply and Kate laughs.

"There's my friend."

I fake my laughter and go back to silent. It's been two days and I still haven't said anything to anyone.

"Jacob came with us : here he is !" Quil says dramatically. "He could detach himself from Bella for one hour, let's applaud the man !"

"Shut up." Jake mutters when he enters. He sniffs the air before turning around to face me. He has a serious look and an accusing one, too. "Alex, was there a vamp in your room two days ago ?" he asks me and I shake my head. He continues to stare at me with the same look and I soon crack.

"Two days ago, a vampire named Gillian came here." I admit and he storms out of my room.

"You lied to me." Embry says accusingly. "Why ?"

"I didn't want to worry you guys." I say and he leaves with Quil to follow Jacob.

"Alex. You should've called me as soon as this deranged person left." Kate tells me and I smile at her.

"I know, but I thought it would've been too dangerous."

"Please ! We have a whole pack at our service !" she jokes only to make me laugh.

She doesn't succeed and I keep my sour face on, over-thinking everything.

Thank you guys so much for the 3,7 k of reads !!!! You are all awesome !!!

10/03/19 : #15 in bellaswan

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