3. They Ate Pizza To Celebrate

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The night comes quickly and so does dinner. After eating and saying goodnight, I go up in my room and open my suitcase, deciding it's time to unpack so that I will be ready for the start of school year. I put my clothes in the dresser, I pile books in the bookcases but also on the floor next to my bed so that my favorite ones are just next to me when in need. I make my bed and prepare my school bag for tomorrow. 

I just finished brushing my teeth in the bathroom when the talkie-walkie beeps, informing me William wants to talk. After dinner, I gave him one, telling him that if he needed anything, he could ask me through it, so that he won't disturb uncle Billy. He was thrilled about it, saying we were secret agents. 

"Yep ? What do you need ?" I said in a tired voice, putting on my pyjamas. I hear a sniffling and frown.

"I'm scared. Can you come down Alex ?" he tells me in a strangled voice due to hsi crying, I suppose.

"Coming." I immediately respond, rushing quietly down the stairs and to his room. 

I enter my brother's room, to see him curled in a tight ball on his bed, sobbing. I slid under his blankets and hold tight on him, his small head under my chin. He holds my pyjamas' shirt tightly, crying softly as I whisper soft words in his ears while caressing his hair. 

"Why did they have to go ? Why did they have to leave us ?" he mumbles after a few minutes. I breath in deeply and sigh in his curls. 

"I don't know Will. But what I do know is that everything will be alright." I say in a confident voice, trying to make him feel better. It seems to work because his breathing eases and he slowly releases his hold on my shirt.

"Can you tell me a story ? A nice one, with a happy ending." he asks, looking at me. I stare into his sleepy yet hopeful chestnut brown eyes. How can I say no when an angel is asking me something ? 

"Sure." I finally say. I think of all the stories I know, hesitating for which I should tell him. I decide to just invent one who will remind him a bit of our own. 

"Once upon a time, in a kingdom full of dinosaurs and knights, lived a family." That part made him giggle : he knows I always start a story like that, but he still finds it funny. I clear my throat as an intention to be more serious. "They were the happiest of all the kingdom, yet a witch was determined to ruin their happiness and to break their family apart. One day, she entered their house and captured the mother, the father and the eldest son. The daughter and the son who remained were sad, but were sure of what to do next : find their family !" I say, tickling William who laughs a little before listening again. "They traveled to the witch's land and defeated dinosaurs, dragons and even vampires and werewolves ! When they finally arrived to the witch, they were quick and quiet. The witch was knocked out and the family was released. They went back to their house and ate pizza to celebrate. The end." 

I look down at William to see he is sound asleep. I smile at his innocent face, feeling relieved I calmed him down. It's all new to me and I don't know how to do it. But Mom knew. I miss her.

I stay with Will for a few more minutes, making sure he doesn't wake up again. I get up and climb upstairs. As I am in my room, I look outside the window. The forest sure is beautiful, the deep green and the glistening moon in harmony.

I fall onto my bed and don't have enough strength to pull up the covers. Sleep is inviting me and I can't resist him. But just as I'm about to fall in his arms, I feel small tears rolling down my cheeks. How I miss them.

William is such a cutie ! What do you think of Alexandra as a big sister ?

What is your favorite fairy tale ?

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PS : This song is stuck in my head for a month now ! I just love the soothing voice of Anson Seabra... 

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