24. She's Hurt Because Of You !

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Paul's POV

We are all waiting for Black to come back, standing like idiots in his backyard. He honestly gets on my nerves sometimes. He's hanging out with that chick, even though Sam told him not to. Just because he's a Black, he thinks he doesn't have to follow the rules.

Embry and Jared are fooling around, while I have to be the serious one. I hate it. Jared is supposed to do that since he's Sam's second, but nooo. He wants to have some fun, so he delegated it to me. That ass. I was being pushed around by Embry, ready to shut his mouth when a girl comes out of Black's house.

I sneer, recognizing the leech's lover. She stomps furiously towards us and starts yelling. I ignore her and look at the boys, who both seem pretty intrigued with what she wants from us. I can't hold back a scoff as she keeps insulting me, which is quite impressive : she doesn't seem afraid of us at all.

I hear a door open but I keep looking at the Swan girl. I never thought a human being could go red from screaming, that it was only something you could see in cartoons.

Someone comes near the annoying Swan and talks. "Bella, you should go. You had no permission to enter my house and to scream like that to them." a sick and broken voice whispers to her.

I gaze at the person and I have to refrain my emotions from appearing on my face. I haven't seen her at school since last year, even earlier. She doesn't look too good, she has blood-red eyes and an unusual pale face. I always thought she had left town...

"So you don't care if Jacob is with this steroids gang ?" the pest asks her. I have to stop myself from laughing at that. Sure, I heard the rumors, but none of them are true. She, of all people, should know there is more to that.

"Of course I care. But I don't need you to..." the girl says annoyed.

At least we have an agreement on something : our distaste of Bella Swan. "Yeah." I scoff. "Let the nerd in charge. And go run to your bloodsucker." I don't care if I just told her I know about supernatural creatures, I just want her to go away. If Black sees her, he will want to tell her even more.

And then, the bitch slaps me. Not hard enough for me, but I still feel it. That's it, I have had enough of her, I want her gone. I can't control what's going to happen. As I start shaking, I see red and prepare myself for the transformation.

"Bella, run !" I hear Jacob scream. He has some nerves, telling his lover to run when she provoked me.

"Alex." Embry says quickly. "You should run too." He should get the girl out before things turn bad.

"Leave me alone." she snaps at him. I look up and stare in her gorgeous blue eyes.

She is breathtaking. Her eyes are the same blue as the sea; her freckles are almost non-visible, yet I see them; her thick, short, black hair, like a raven's wings; her lips; her body... Everything is perfect. She's perfect. I only see her, she's the one, the only one. Our future is perfect, from our first date to our marriage, to our kids, to our death. I notice she's quite tall, but I can easily say she's still shorter than I. Her hair is in a messy ponytail, she has a red nose, comfy clothes... Is she sick ?

Worried for her, I stop shaking and slowly walk to her. She stares at me, questions probably swirling in her mind. I approach her and make a move to take her hand but she slaps it away.

"I know you, Paul. But we're not friends, so don't touch me." she tells me, stepping away from. "Also, this shaking thing was pretty weird, so stop taking steroids or drugs, please."

I stare at her in confusion. She thinks I'm on steroids ? I snap at her immediately. "What did you say ?!" I ask. "I'm not on steroids and shit !"

"Please. You enrolled Embry and Jacob, so don't take me for a dumbass. I know you are human and have needs, but think of the consequences. Drugs aren't a joke." she says, acting like a doctor.

I growl at her. But the moment I do it, I regret it. She seems shaken up and backs away. Embry pulls her behind him and I immediately see him as a threat.

I try controlling my temper, remembering myself that my imprint is behind the jackass, but I can't. I hear my clothes tearing up, my body growing and my growls erupting in the backyard.

My imprint.

The leech's lover lets out a scream and runs for it. Alex just stares at me in shock from behind Embry's back. Trying to be the hero, he steps in front of her to protect her.

Asshole. My imprint.

I jump and end up on him, my paws trying to reach his face, to hurt him. I feel hands on my back, I growl and throw the person off me.

Hearing an abnormal sound, I turn around, ready to face Sam or anyone. I see my imprint, holding her bleeding arm. I see her breath accelerate, like her pulse, the blood flowing faster and the tears appear in her eyes.

I whimper and rush to her side, still in the wolf form. She falls on her knees as I come near her and pushes me, trying to get away. She's scared of me. I hurt her.

Black is at my right and he growls at me. Get out of the way, Paul ! Now ! Black screams through the mind-link. I don't care if you're her fucking imprint, she's hurt because of you !

But... No ! I didn't do it on purpose, I thought...

You HURT her ! he snarls back, jerking me out of the way.

I jump for his throat. How dare he take me away from my imprint when she's hurt ? I always hated this kid. I push him towards the forest : time he gets a lesson.

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