13. Haven't You Heard The Wolves ?

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"Alexandra, we have to talk about this." Billy says, first thing in the morning. I nod weakly, still tired from my horrible night. "I will pay for the treatment, so don't worry about that. You should also tell your friends."

"Billy, I want to help you with the money. I don't want to be a problem for you, I'll look for a job today." I try convincing him.

"No. You have cancer Alexandra. You have to rest, to heal. You can't possibly work." he states, getting angry at my stubbornness. I close my mouth, resisting the urge to contradict him. I am not handicapped for the moment, so I still can work.

"I don't... want to tell my friends. Plus, Jacob already told them, I suppose." I grunt.

"That's the point. I asked him not to say anything. You have to : they are your friends." he explains just like a mother to her child. I get his point and I agree internally. I'll ask them to come at the beach today and I'll just tell them and run away as fast as I can.

"Okay." I sigh.

"I'll excuse you from school tomorrow so that we can go to the hospital and see the doctor who gave you the appointment." he tells me before leaving the room.

I groan and walk outside, tugging my sweatshirt around my body as the cold air sweeps my hair.


I can't believe I ever tried to get a freaking job ! No one in this town is accepting new people and I hate driving in the rain !

I enter my car once again, making sure I slam hard the door and stare at the front wheel. Sure, Jacob taught me how to drive, but I still don't have a licence. If I get caught, I'm in big trouble.

I turn on the engine, willing to try one last place : Fork's dinner. I pass through their entrance and I am welcomed by smiles, greetings and hot air. That's a change, for one.

I go to the counter and see a plump lady smiling at me questioningly. "Um... Hi. Excuse me, but I was wondering if you're hiring by any chance ? I'm looking for a job." I tell her politely. I wait for the answer anxiously.

"Of course we are ! Bob just left for good and I need a new waiter ! Welcome to the Dinner !" she says excitedly before grabbing my arm and taking me on the other side of the counter.

"Take an apron and take these orders to table 4. If you are okay for the next hour, I'll take you. Okay ?" she explains and I nod.


"Yes !" I put my fist in the air and do a mini victory dance. I got the job ! Well, I did drop a plate or two, but Julie let it pass.

I take my phone out and my mood darkens. I have to call Kate and ask her to meet me at the beach. Same with Embry and Quil. I should tell Jacob so that he can come too.

She shut her phone down, so I leave her a message. "Hey Kate ! I have something to say to you and the guys... So meet me at the beach, normal spot ? See you."


Sitting on a rock, I stare in the horizon. The sea is violent today and I fear it might take me from my spot and engulf me with its waves.

"Alex ! There you are !" I hear Embry's loud voice pierce the silence. I stand up and smile as my friends come next to me.

"Hey !" I greet them.

"What did you want to tell us ?" Katherine asks. "I have to go back and babysit my stupid little sister."

I take a deep breath and tell them everything concerning the cancer. They stare at me, incomprehension in their eyes.

"So, you have cancer ?" Quil concludes.

"Yeah, it's pretty much that." I say.

"But... How... When..." they all say, in shock.

"Look, I have to go, but I'll see you on Tuesday, okay ? I have to go to the hospital tomorrow." I state before running away towards the forest.

I don't hear them following me, so I just keep going on. I keep back my tears and continue walking towards what I suppose is Billy's house. At least, that's where I hope I'm going.

"What the fuck are you doing here ?" an angry voice asks from behind me, making me freeze and turn around. Paul.

He's standing here, shirtless, which is weird because it's raining a bit and cold. He looks at me motionless and waits for my answer.

"What are you doing here ?" I say back. No way in hell I'm telling him about my situation.

He grunts and comes closer to me. Heat radiates from his skin and I have to force myself not to look at his abs. Yes, he does have some of those. He is way taller than I and I have to tilt my head back to glare at him.

"I was taking a run." he admits. I raise my eyebrows as he tells me the truth. "I was in bed all morning because of a damn headache, so I had to feel a rush again." He shrugs and looks at me, expecting an answer for his question.

"I was meeting some friends."

"Your boyfriend Embry was here, I suppose." he sneers. Wait, what ?

"Excuse me ? Embry is not my boyfriend." I state. I see he doesn't believe me as he walks away.

"You shouldn't walk in the woods all alone. It's not safe for a little girl. Haven't you heard the wolves ?" is the last thing I hear from him before he runs away from me.

No, Paul is not a shape shifter yet : he is just before that.

Lots of love !

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