32. You'll Have To Reach High Expectations

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"I have good news !" Dr. Stevens says as a greeting. We're Monday and I'm back at the hospital, waiting for her.

She sits next to me and pants a bit from all her running. In her hand, I can see the RMI I took thirty minutes ago. She catches her breath a bit and when she looks at me, a big smile is on her face.

"Dr. Cullen came back yesterday !" she announces, clapping her hand excitedly. "He'll be able to help a bit with all this. Careful, I have big news." She pauses and closes her eyes, accentuating the drama. "The tumor stopped growing !" she shouts.

"Really ?" I ask, putting my hands over my mouth. "It's not a sick joke, is it ?"

"No, Alexandra." Someone enters the room and I smile at Dr. Cullen. "The tumor stopped growing and it even shrinked a little bit. Of course, we aren't sure about anything, but we are very positive."

"How was the little trip ?" I ask bitterly. I know he left because of Edward and his problem with Bella. And it makes me mad because some people needed him here and he had to leave. Dr. Stevens alone with all my problems.

"It was... rewarding." he says as he checks my immune system's test result. "Your immune system is weak, but you should be fine with what Dr. Stevens will give you."

He hands her back the test results. "Good job on keeping her alive, Dr. Stevens." he half-jokes. She blushes and stares at the door after he leaves.

"Where were we ?" she suddenly comes back to reality. "Ah, yes ! I noticed someone was close to you during the few days I specifically asked you to see no one." she tells me. "Who was it ?" she asks innocently. "Your boyfriend ?"

"No." I blush, just like she did seconds earlier. "Why ? Did it stop the tumor from shrinking more ?"

"Not at all. On the contrary, it seems your body reacted to the proximity by stopping the tumor from growing." she says, winking at me. "Again, your immune system is weak, so don't go hugging anyone. I'll prescribe you some medicine and we'll see you again on Wednesday."

"What's the next step ?" I ask brusquely. "Will the tumor forever be a part of my body ?"

She looks nervous at the moment. "I suppose we will operate you at some point. But no worries, you're going to live !" she laughs before leaving the room.


"Bella went to Italy to save Edward ?" I say, not believing an ounce of what Embry is telling me.

We are actually going to the cinema to watch the new Marvel film. I love their movies and so does Embry. Surprisingly, he was the one to propose we go see it.

"Yeah. She went all crazy after the pixie told her the news and demanded that she take her. Or so said Jacob." he explains, buying some popcorn".

"I can imagine her going all crazy." I say.

Just when we are going to enter the cinema room, I have the impression of someone watching us. I look around and freeze when I see Kate. Her popcorn box fell from her hands, but she doesn't seem to care as she continues looking at us.

I know what she's thinking and I start walking towards her. She glares at me with tears in her eyes and runs away from me. I can only call her name and try following her.


I hate not being able to talk with Kate. I want my best friend back, I want to tell her everything, I want to laugh with her... I miss my best friend and I'm sad about what happened.

After the cinema incident, I wasn't in the mood to watch the movie so I left Embry alone. He didn't understand a thing and I had to suppress my anger. If only he hadn't come see me at the hospital last time, Kate and I would be watching together the movie.

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