30. I Feel At Home

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I wake up the following morning feeling better. I stretch my arms upwards, slide my legs on the side of the bed and get up fast. Today, I can finally get out of this room. I wonder if Paul being in my room last night was just a dream or reality. Honestly, I hope it's real : he was nice and funny. I could really use a friend, considering the fact that Kate is ignoring my calls and that Embry isn't talking to me either.

I change quickly, putting a jogging and a T-shirt on. I go to my door and I try opening it. Nothing. I pound on it for twenty minutes until Jake unlocks it for me.

"I hate you, you know that ?" he mutters while letting me pass next to him.

"I love you too !" I respond, laughing at his sleepy face. His hair is a mess, his eyes are half-open and his face is a weird color.

"Where you going ?" he asks as he follows me downstairs. "It's 7AM."

"For a run. I've been locked for days in my room, I can't wait to see humans ! Also, I want to go to the beach and maybe eat waffles. I'm dying for some real food, here !" I joke and I put my sneakers on.

"I won't be home, I'll go to the beach with the boys later in the morning." he tells me.

"And... why are you telling me this ?" I demand, crossing my arms. He looks at me with a shamed grimace.

"Because I never really tell you anything and I want to win back your friendship ?" he proposes lamely and I sigh.

"So, you telling me you're going out with your friends while I don't have any anymore is suppose to earn my trust back ? Think again." I say flatly before slamming the door in his face.


I enter the restaurant, panting. I've ran for two hours and I'm tired. It's been almost a month since I haven't done any physical exercise and I regret it now. Deeply.

I sit at a table next to the window. "Could I get some waffles, please ?" I ask Josh, the new waiter. He smiles and nods before leaving my table.

I called Julie on Thursday to tell her that I couldn't do the job anymore. She didn't ask any questions, she just said that I was welcomed here anytime and that it would be free. Julie has been an angel and thanks to the job I had here, Billy will have less to pay for the cancer treatment.

"Alexandra ! How are you doing, sweetie ?" Julie says, hugging me by surprise.

"Hi, Julie." I tell her and smile. "I'm fine, but I've been better, I admit it." We both laugh and she sits next to me.

I told Julie about my condition and she had been very supportive. I even said that I would quit whenever she wanted, but she had always let me work here.

"Waffles ? I should've known." she tells me when Josh comes back with my plate.

I take out a few dollars and give them to him. He looks at Julie who shakes her head. He leaves the dollars on the table and goes to another table.

"Julie... Take them." I say, pushing the money in her direction. She does the same and I sigh. "Always an angel as I see."

"Sweetie, you're the angel here." she responds and I escape her eyes. "Don't worry, you can come whenever you want, eat whatever you want without paying a thing. We have enough clients to make an exception !" she says and gets up. "See you another time !" She kisses my cheek and greets a new client.

I stare at my waffles and take a tiny bite. I still feel bad not paying for them, but they are so good and it's been so long since I had one of them, so I eat them in thirty seconds.

I wave at Jerry who is in the kitchen and walk out the restaurant. Time to run again.


I look at my watch : 10AM. Time to stop at the beach for a while. The running woke me up and as I climb the cliff, I don't pant anymore. I reach the top of the cliff and remember what Jacob once told me : he used to go with Embry and Quil here to jump from the cliffs.

I wonder if I... I look downwards and gulp when I see how high I am. Nope. I won't jump because I don't want to die.

I lay in the grass and close my eyes. I play with the little flowers with my hands and let the memories flow back. Birthdays, songs, movies, walks... Happy memories. I hope I will have some again.

I look up and see Bella on the cliff that's higher than the one I'm sitting from. I get up suddenly and look at her. She looks desperate, closing her eyes and taking off her shoes. Why is she taking off her shoes... What ?! She looks about to jump !

I move forward, hoping she'll see me. "Bella ! Stop ! STOP !" I scream as she jumps without even hearing me.

I don't think, I jump right after her. Even if she's been mean and hypocrite, I couldn't forgive myself if I heard that she was... dead.

The impact and cold water take my breath away and I gasp for oxygen. "Bella ?! Where are...?" I start yelling before a wave hits me.

I put myself in a ball and wait for the current to calm down. When I resurface, I don't have the time to catch my breath that another one hits me. I can't breath, my head is pounding and even though I try to go to the surface, I feel so tired that I let everything go. I know it's because of the cold that I feel so numb, but I can't do anything.

Just when I let myself go, I see something red passing by me. I open as much as I can my eyes and they widen automatically when I see what passed next to me. A woman's face with red hair turns to face me, and she smiles. Not a sweet smile, but a creepy one. One that gives me chills and makes me want to run far away from her. I try to, and then I remember. I'm underwater. I guess the lack of oxygen is making me really dumb.

She starts swimming over to me and I let go a cry and with it, the last air in my system. Red eyes are looking at me hungrily. She's about to reach me, when her head whips in another direction and she swims away fast. I feel relieved for a moment and my eyes close by themselves.

The last thing I remember are a pair of strong arms taking me and making me feel safe. I feel at home.

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