22. You Don't Understand What Is Happening

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"Alexandra. Alex !" someone says, waking me up.

"Five more minutes." I mumble. I turn away and sigh in content. Only then do I remember what happened. I sit up brutally and look at the person.

Jacob looks relieved as he passes a hand in his short hair. I frown, glaring at my cousin.

"What the heck, Jake ?" I demand, pushing the blankets off me. I glance quickly around me and I notice we are in my bedroom. "Why are you with them now ? Did..." I stop, looking at his hair. "Did they force you to cut your hair ?! You loved it long ! You told me it was your treasure. And that if I cut it, you'd kill me." I state.

He stands up and leaves my room without answering my questions. I follow him shortly after, stumbling on my feet.

"Are you ignoring me ?! Jacob, I searched for you everyday of this freaking week with Kate and Quil. We were worried sick about you and when I finally find you, you're with them ? You... I can't even look at you." I say as I walk behind him. "Even Bella was worried and she's not family !"

"Shut up, Alexandra." he shouts, cutting my speech. "If you can't look at me, then don't. You don't understand what's happening, so cut it out !" he says before leaving the house and slamming the door hard.

I stand there still, not moving for a long time.


"Will, I promise it's going to be awesome !" I reassure him, packing his clothes in a suitcase. "You're going to be with your friends for two weeks, travelling, exploring and discovering new things ! I mean, I would have loved to do this trip when I was your age."

"But... I'm going to miss you and uncle Billy and Jake." he tells me, taking his teddy bear in his arms, hugging it tightly. "I don't want to be away without you. I haven't been away without you since..." he mumbles as he starts crying.

I take him in my arms and whisper in his ear. "Don't worry. I'll write you a letter everyday and when you come back home, I'll give you fourteen letters so that you can see I thought about you everyday. If you want, you can do the same and write what you did each day, okay ?"

He nods, calming down because he knows I won't forget him.


"Are you going to be okay ?" Billy asks me when we leave William at his school for his field trip.

"Yeah. I'm going to be okay. I'll be okay." I mutter more for myself.

"I never really asked you what Dr. Stevens said when you went to see her last Saturday. What happened ?" he demands.

"It was a little virus, nothing important. But I do need to go every two days to the hospital in case the virus did something to the tumor." I tell him, biting my inner cheek as I lie to him.

"Oh. You're going to miss school." is what he responds to me.

I laugh at his words and shake my head. "I assure you, I'd rather be at school than at the hospital." I tell him.


On Monday, just when I was taking my books out of my locker, Bella stopped to talk to me. I was pretty surprised and when I tried to say hi to her, she cut me.

"Don't try being all nice with me. I was the one talking with Jake, not you. You don't get to just come in, talk to him and then faint when you don't get the attention you wanted." she says and if looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.

"Sorry Bella, but I'm family, not you. I haven't seen you searching him last week. But I did with his other friend. And do you really think I can faint on demand ? Or are you delusional ?" I ask, closing my locker and walking away.

"I don't know what you're doing, going to the hospital almost everyday, but I'll discover it. You can't keep a secret from everybody and walk away with it." she threatens me.

I stop walking, come back next to her, wanting so badly to slap her. "I tried being nice to you Bella. But you shut me out. I don't care if you think I'm a liar, but don't threaten me. Or you'll regret it, I assure you."

She snorts and walks away. "You were pathetic this weekend, fainting like that. I wish Paul Lahote hadn't catched you when you fell."

I huff, leaning on my locker, calming down. My heart is beating like crazy and I have to sit down. Paul is the one who caught me yesterday ?

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